Mostrando ítems 2286-2305 de 6034

    • H-3(Lambda) and (3)((Lambda)over-bar)(H)over-bar lifetime measurement in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV via two-body decay 

      Acharya, Shreyasi; Gay Ducati, Maria Beatriz; Pereira, Luis Gustavo; Pezzi, Rafael Peretti; ALICE Collaboration (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      An improved value for the lifetime of the (anti-)hypertriton has been obtained using the data sample of Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN =5.02 TeV collected by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The (anti-)hypertriton has been ...
    • Habilidad en preguntas conceptuales y en resolución de problemas de física 

      Silveira, Fernando Lang da; Moreira, Marco Antonio; Axt, Rolando (1992) [Artículo de periódico]
      This study is described correlating the perfomance of engineering students in basically conceptual physics quizzes with their performance in physics exams constituted essentially by problem solving items. Research findings ...
    • Half-broadband two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy with active noise reduction 

      Bressan, Giovanni; Heisler, Ismael Andre; Greetham, Gregory M.; Edmeades, Amy; Meech, Stephen (2023) [Artículo de periódico]
      Two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) provides detailed insight into coherent ultrafast molecular dynamics in the condensed phase. Here we report a referenced broadband pump-compressed continuum probe half-broadband ...
    • Hall effect in Ce 1-x Y x/Pd 3 mixed-valence alloys 

      Fert, Albert R.; Pureur Neto, Paulo; Hamzic, Amir; Kappler, J.P. (1985) [Artículo de periódico]
      Mixed-valence and Kondo lattice systems exhibit large anomalous Hall coefficients with a striking change of sign at low temperature in severa! systems (CePd3, CeCu6, ... , etc.). We have studied the Hall effect of Ce1-x ...
    • Halo formation and emittance growth in the transport of spherically symmetric mismatched bunched beam 

      Silva, Thales Marques Corrêa da; Pakter, Renato; Rizzato, Felipe Barbedo; Levin, Yan (2015) [Artículo de periódico]
      The effect of an initial envelope mismatch on the transport of bunched spherically symmetric beams is investigated. A particle-core model is used to estimate the maximum radius that halo particles can reach. The theory is ...
    • Halo intruders in the Galactic bulge revealed by HST and Gaia : the globular clusters Terzan 10 and Djorgovski 1 

      Ortolani, Sergio; Nardiello, Domenico; Pérez Villegas, Maria de Los Angeles; Bica, Eduardo Luiz Damiani; Barbuy, Beatriz (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      Context. The low-latitude globular clusters Terzan 10 and Djorgovski 1 are projected in the Galactic bulge, in a Galactic region highly affected by extinction. A discrepancy of a factor of ∼2 exists in the literature in ...
    • Hamiltonian formulation of QED in the superaxial gauge 

      Girotti, Horacio Oscar; Rothe, Heinz J. (1982) [Artículo de periódico]
      We present a hamlltonian formulation of QED in a fully fixed axial gauge. The equal-time commutators for all field variables are computed and are shown to lead to the correct equations of motion. The constraints and gauge ...
    • Hard and soft contributions in diffraction : a closed look 

      Gay Ducati, Maria Beatriz; Goncalves, Victor Paulo Barros; Machado, Magno Valério Trindade (2001) [Artículo de periódico]
      Disentangle the hard and soft dynamics in diffractive DIS is one of the main open questions of the strong interactions. We propose the study of the logarithmic slope in Q2 of the diffractive structure function as a potential ...
    • Hard color-singlet exchange in dijet events in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13  TeV 

      Sirunyan, A. M.; Silveira, Gustavo Gil da; CMS Collaboration (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Events where the two leading jets are separated by a pseudorapidity interval devoid of particle activity, known as jet-gap-jet events, are studied in proton-proton collisions at √s=13  TeV. The signature is expected from ...
    • Hard gluon evolution in warming medium 

      Ben, Felipe Gregoletto; Machado, Magno Valério Trindade (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      We describe the energy distribution of hard gluons travelling through a dense quark–gluon plasma whose temperature increases linearly with time, within a probabilis tic perturbative approach. The results were applied to ...
    • Hardness and elasticity in cubic ruthenium dioxide 

      Leger, Jean Michel; Djemia, P.; Ganot, F.; Haines, Julian; Pereira, Altair Soria; Jornada, Joao Alziro Herz da (2001) [Artículo de periódico]
      The Knoop hardness of the highly incompressible cubic phase of ruthenium dioxide was found to be 19–20 GPa from indentation tests. This value scales well with the shear modulus approximated by the elastic constant C44 of ...
    • Hardness evaluation, stoichiometry and grain size of titanium nitride obtained with plasma nitriding on Ti-6AI-4V samples 

      Vasconcellos, Marcos Antonio Zen; Lima, Saulo Cordeiro; Hinrichs, Ruth (2010) [Artículo de periódico]
      Titanium nitride films were formed on the surface of Ti-6Al-4V discs by plasma nitriding (glow discharge) in different N2:H2 atmospheres at several substrate temperatures. In this study the influence of the process parameters ...
    • Hardware-assisted thread and data mapping in hierarchical multi-core architectures 

      Cruz, Eduardo Henrique Molina da; Diener, Matthias; Pilla, Laercio Lima; Navaux, Philippe Olivier Alexandre (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      The performance and energy efficiency of modern architectures depend on memory locality, which can be improved by thread and data mappings considering the memory access behavior of parallel applications. In this paper, we ...
    • Hardware-assisted visibility sorting for unstructured volume rendering 

      Callahan, Steven Paul; Ikits, Milan; Comba, Joao Luiz Dihl; Silva, Cláudio Teixeira (2005) [Artículo de periódico]
      Harvesting the power of modern graphics hardware to solve the complex problem of real-time rendering of large unstructured meshes is a major research goal in the volume visualization community. While, for regular grids, ...
    • Hardware support in a middleware for distributed and real-time embedded applications 

      Silva Júnior, Elias Teodoro da; Wagner, Flavio Rech; Freitas, Edison Pignaton de; Kunz, Leonardo; Pereira, Carlos Eduardo (2007) [Artículo de periódico]
    • Health information published on mass media and on brazilian health journals : an infometric and bibliometric study 

      Burg, Helena Schmidt; Pinto, Adilson Luiz; Semeler, Alexandre Ribas; Garcia,Cristiane Luisa Salazar; Gonzales Aguilar, Audilio (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      Este trabalho, baseado na revisão da literatura sobre comunicação científica, comunicação de massa, interação entre os dois tipos de comunicação e sua influência na sociedade, tem como objetivo verificar se as informações ...
    • Health-related quality of life in Brazil : normative data for the SF-36 in a general population sample in the south of the country 

      Cruz, Luciane Nascimento; Fleck, Marcelo Pio de Almeida; Oliveira, Michele Rosana; Camey, Suzi Alves; Hoffmann, Juliana Feliciati; Bagattini, Ângela Maria; Polanczyk, Carisi Anne (2013) [Artículo de periódico]
      The objective of this study was to provide normative SF-36 scores in a general population sample in Brazil and to describe differences in mean scores according to socio-demographic characteristics. The SF-36 questionnaire ...
    • Health-related quality of life of pregnant women with heartburn and regurgitation 

      Dall'Alba, Valesca; Callegari-Jacques, Sidia Maria; Krahe, Cláudio; Bertani, Juliana Paula Bruch; Alves, Bruna Cherubini; Barros, Sergio Gabriel Silva de (2015) [Artículo de periódico]
      Background - Heartburn and regurgitation frequently occur in the third trimester of pregnancy, but their impact on quality of life has not been thoroughly investigated. Objective - To measure health-related quality of life ...
    • Heavily n-doped Ge : low-temperature magnetoresistance properties on the metallic side of the metal–nonmetal transition 

      Silva, Antonio Ferreira da; Sandoval, Marcelo A. Toloza; Levine, Alexandre; Levinson, Eduard; Boudinov, Henri Ivanov; Sernelius, Bo E. (2020) [Artículo de periódico]
      We report here an experimental and theoretical study on the magnetoresistance properties of heavily phosphorous doped germanium on the metallic side of the metal–nonmetal transition. An anomalous regime, formed by negative ...
    • Heavy meson photoproduction in peripheral AA collisions 

      Gay Ducati, Maria Beatriz; Martins, Sony (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      The exclusive photoproduction of the heavy vector mesons ψ and Y is investigated in peripheral Pb-Pb collisions for the energies available at the LHC, ffiffiffi sp ¼ 2.76 TeV and ffiffiffi ps ¼ 5.02 TeV. To evaluate the ...