Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 31

    • Bernstein–Greene–Kruskal and Case–Van Kampen Modes for the Landau–Vlasov Equation 

      Haas, Fernando; Vidmar, Rodrigo (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      The one-dimensional Landau–Vlasov equation describing ultracold dilute bosonic gases in the mean-field collisionless regime under strong transverse confinement is analyzed using traditional methods of plasma physics. ...
    • Collisional effects, ion-acoustic waves, and neutrino oscillations 

      Haas, Fernando; Pascoal, Kellen Alves; Mendonça, José Tito (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      We analyze the role of collisional effects on the coupling between ion-acoustic waves and neutrino flavor oscillations, discussing its relevance for plasma instabilities in extreme plasma environments like in type II ...
    • Compton scattering of plasmons 

      Mendonça, José Tito; Haas, Fernando (2023) [Artículo de periódico]
      We extend de concept of Compton scattering to the case of plasmons. This concept was originally applied to electrons in vacuum. Here, we consider electrons in a plasma, and study the scattering properties of photon-plasmon ...
    • Coupling between ion-acoustic waves and neutrino oscillations 

      Haas, Fernando; Pascoal, Kellen Alves; Mendonça, José Tito (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      The work investigates the coupling between ion-acoustic waves and neutrino flavor oscillations in a nonrelativistic electron-ion plasma under the influence of a mixed neutrino beam. Neutrino oscillations are mediated by ...
    • Dynamics of antiproton plasma in a timedependent harmonic trap 

      Soares, Luiz Gustavo Ferreira; Haas, Fernando (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      An antiproton plasma confined in a quasi-1D device is described in terms of a self-consistent fluid formulation using a variational approach. Unlike previous treatments, the use of the time-dependent variational method ...
    • Effective photon mass and exact translating quantum relativistic structures 

      Haas, Fernando; Albarracin Manrique, Marcos Antonio (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      Using a variation of the celebrated Volkov solution, the Klein-Gordon equation for a charged particle is reduced to a set of ordinary differential equations, exactly solvable in specific cases. The new quantum relativistic ...
    • Electron holes in a regularized kappa background 

      Haas, Fernando; Fichtner, Horst; Scherer, Klaus (2023) [Artículo de periódico]
      The pseudopotential method is used to derive electron hole structures in a suprathermal plasma with a regularized κ probability distribution function background. The regularized character allows the exploration of small κ ...
    • Electron holes in a κ distribution background with singularities 

      Haas, Fernando (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      The pseudo-potential method is applied to derive diverse propagating electron–hole structures in a nonthermal or κ particle distribution function background. The associated distribution function Ansatz reproduces the Schamel ...
    • High-harmonic generation by nonlinear resonant excitation of surface plasmon modes in metallic nanoparticles 

      Hurst, Jérôme; Haas, Fernando; Manfredi, Giovanni; Hervieux, Paul-Antoine (2014) [Artículo de periódico]
      The nonlinear electron dynamics in metallic nanoparticles is studied using a hydrodynamic model that incorporates most quantum many-body features, including spill-out and nonlocal effects as well as electron exchange and ...
    • High-harmonic generation in a quantum electron gas trapped in a nonparabolic and anisotropic well 

      Hurst, Jérôme; Lévêque-Simon, Kévin; Hervieux, Paul-Antoine; Manfredi, Giovanni; Haas, Fernando (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      An effective self-consistent model is derived and used to study the dynamics of an electron gas confined in a nonparabolic and anisotropic quantum well. This approach is based on the equations of quantum hydrodynamics, ...
    • Influence of flavor oscillations on neutrino beam instabilities 

      Mendonça, José Tito; Haas, Fernando; Bret, Antoine Claude (2014) [Artículo de periódico]
      We consider the collective neutrino plasma interactions and study the electron plasma instabilities produced by a nearly mono-energetic neutrino beam in a plasma. We describe the mutual interaction between neutrino flavor ...
    • Instabilities and propagation of neutrino magnetohydrodynamic waves in arbitrary direction 

      Haas, Fernando; Pascoal, Kellen Alves (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      In a previous work [Haas et al., Phys. Plasmas 23, 012104 (2016)], a new model was introduced, taking into account the role of the Fermi weak force due to neutrinos coupled to magnetohydrodynamic plasmas. The resulting ...
    • Ion-acoustic cnoidal waves in a quantum plasma 

      Mahmood, Shahzad; Haas, Fernando (2014) [Artículo de periódico]
      Nonlinear ion-acoustic cnoidal wave structures are studied in an unmagnetized quantum plasma. Using the reductive perturbation method, a Korteweg-de Vries equation is derived for appropriate boundary conditions and nonlinear ...
    • Ion-acoustic envelope modes in a degenerate relativistic electron-ion plasma 

      Mckerr, Michael John Allen; Haas, Fernando; Kourakis, Ioannis (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      A self-consistent relativistic two-fluid model is proposed for one-dimensional electron-ion plasma dynamics. A multiple scales perturbation technique is employed, leading to an evolution equation for the wave envelope, in ...
    • Ion-beam–plasma interaction effects on electrostatic solitary wave propagation in ultradense relativistic quantum plasmas 

      Elkamash, Ibrahem; Kourakis, Ioannis; Haas, Fernando (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      Understanding the transport properties of charged particle beams is important not only from a fundamental point of view but also due to its relevance in a variety of applications. A theoretical model is established in this ...
    • Ion-beam/plasma modes in ultradense relativistic quantum plasmas : dispersion characteristics and beam-driven instability 

      Elkamash, Ibrahem; Haas, Fernando; Kourakis, Ioannis (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      A relativistic quantum-hydrodynamic plasma model is proposed, to model the propagation of electrostatic waves in an ultradense quantum electron-ion plasma in the presence of an ion beam. A dispersion relation is derived ...
    • Large amplitude oscillations in a trapped dissipative electron gas 

      Haas, Fernando; Soares, Luiz Gustavo Ferreira (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      A collisional trapped non-neutral plasma is described by a hydrodynamical model in onedimensional geometry. For suitable initial conditions and velocity fields, the Lagrangian variables method reduces the pressure dominated ...
    • Linear and nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in nonrelativistic quantum plasmas with arbitrary degeneracy 

      Haas, Fernando; Mahmood, Shahzad (2015) [Artículo de periódico]
      Linear and nonlinear ion-acoustic waves are studied in a fluid model for nonrelativistic, unmagnetized quantum plasma with electrons with an arbitrary degeneracy degree. The equation of state for electrons follows from a ...
    • Magnetosonic waves in a quantum plasma with arbitrary electron degeneracy 

      Haas, Fernando; Mahmood, Shahzad (2018) [Artículo de periódico]
      Using a two-species quantum hydrodynamic model, we derive the quantum counterpart of magnetosonic waves, in a plasma with arbitrary degree of degeneracy and taking into account quantum diffraction effects due to the ...
    • Modified plasma waves described by a logarithmic electrodynamics 

      Haas, Fernando; Gaete, Patricio; Rosas, Leonardo Ospedal Prestes; Helayël-Neto, José Abdalla (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      The propagation of plasma waves in a new nonlinear, logarithmic electrodynamics model is performed. A cold, uniform, collisionless fluid plasma model is applied. Electrostatic waves in magnetized plasma are shown to ...