Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • CRL4-Cereblon complex in Thalidomide Embryopathy : a translational investigation 

      Kowalski, Thayne Woycinck; Gomes, Julia do Amaral; Garcia, Gabriela Barreto Caldas; Fraga, Lucas Rosa; Paixão Côrtes, Vanessa Rodrigues; Recamonde-Mendoza, Mariana; Sanseverino, Maria Teresa Vieira; Faccini, Lavinia Schuler; Vianna, Fernanda Sales Luiz (2020) [Journal article]
      The Cereblon-CRL4 complex has been studied predominantly with regards to thalidomide treatment of multiple myeloma. Nevertheless, the role of Cereblon-CRL4 in Thalidomide Embryopathy (TE) is still not understood. Not all ...
    • Evaluation of polymorphisms in toll-like receptor genes as biomarkers of the response to treatment of Erythema nodosum leprosum 

      Fiuza, Miriãn Ferrão Maciel; Costa, Perpétua do Socorro Silva; Kowalski, Thayne Woycinck; Faccini, Lavinia Schuler; Bonamigo, Renan Rangel; Vetoratto, Rodrigo; Eidt, Leticia Maria; Moraes, Paulo Cezar de; Silveira, Maria Irismar da Silva; Camargo, Luís Marcelo Aranha; Callegari-Jacques, Sidia Maria; Castro, Stela Maris de Jezus; Vianna, Fernanda Sales Luiz (2022) [Journal article]
      Erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) is an inflammatory complication caused by a dysregulated immune response to Mycobacterium leprae. Some Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have been identified as capable of recognizing antigens from ...