Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Effect of band filling in the Kondo lattice : a mean-field approach 

      Ruppenthal, Alaor Ricardo; Iglesias, Jose Roberto; Gusmao, Miguel Angelo Cavalheiro (1999) [Journal article]
      The usual Kondo lattice, including an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction between nearest-neighboring localized spins, is treated here in a mean-field scheme that introduces two mean-field parameters: one associated ...
    • Hopping conductivity in one-dimensional Ca/sub 3/Co/sub 2/O/sub 6/ single crystals 

      Raquet, Bertrand; Baibich, Mario Norberto; Broto, Jean Marc; Rakoto, Harison; Lambert, Sébastien; Maignan, Antoine (2002) [Journal article]
      We studied the electronic conductivity and magnetic properties of quasi-one-dimensional Ca₃Co₂O₆ single crystals. The results evidence a variable range hopping conductivity with temperature-induced crossover between ...
    • Inverse transition in a two-dimensional dipolar frustrated ferromagnet 

      Cannas, Sergio A.; Carubelli, Marianela; Billoni, Orlando Vito; Stariolo, Daniel Adrian (2011) [Journal article]
      We show that the mean-field phase diagram of the dipolar frustrated ferromagnet in an external field presents an inverse transition in the field-temperature plane. The presence of this type of transition has recently been ...