Now showing items 1-12 of 12

    • Comparison of quasifree (p, 2p) with (p, pn) scattering as a check of the impulse approximation 

      Maris, Theodor August Johannes; Teodoro, Maria Ribeiro; Veit, Eliane Angela (1979) [Journal article]
      It is shown that the ratio o f the cross sections o f quasifree (p ,Zp) and (p ,pn) reactions in complex nuclei for identical and suitable geometries can be reliably calculated in the distorted wave impulse approximation. ...
    • Compatibility of the nuclear shell and nucleon bag models 

      Krein, Gastao Inacio; Maris, Theodor August Johannes (1987) [Journal article]
      It is shown that the standard self-consistency argument, reconciling the nuclear independentparticle model with the large low-energy nucleon-nucleon cross sections, loses its validity for nucleon bags with a radius larger ...
    • Effective polarization in quasi-free scattering 

      Maris, Theodor August Johannes; Teodoro, Maria Ribeiro; Veit, Eliane Angela (1980) [Journal article]
      A simple relation, involving only experimental quantmes, for the effective polarizations m quasi-free (p, 2p) scattering on closed shell nuclei IS tested for recent TRIUMF (p, 2p) experiments with 200 MeV polanzed protons.
    • Investigation of nuclear structure by quasi-free scattering with polarized protons 

      Fernandez, Francisco; Maris, Theodor August Johannes; Schneider, Claudio; Vasconcellos, Cesar Augusto Zen (1981) [Journal article]
      Quasi-free scattering with polarized protons can be a sensitive method to probe certain spin correlations in the nuclear wave function. This is demonstrated by the comparison of the effective polarizations following from ...
    • Kn scattering in the cloudy bag model : s, p and d waves 

      Veit, Eliane Angela; Thomas, A.W.; Jennings, B.K. (1985) [Journal article]
      s-, p-, and d-wave KN phase shifts are calculated with the cloudy bag model (CBM). The results are in qualitative agreement with phase-shift analysis, except in those partial waves where exotic resonances are claimed to ...
    • Medium effects on spin observables of proton knockout reactins 

      Krein, Gastao Inacio; Maris, Theodor August Johannes; Rodrigues, Benhur Borges; Veit, Eliane Angela (1995) [Journal article]
      Medium modifications of the properties of bound nucleons and mesons are investigated by means of intermediate energy quasifree proton knockout reactions with polarized incident protons, by comparison of quantities which ...
    • Nonlocality of the propagation and the effective nucleos spinorbit interaction 

      Dillig, Manfred; Herscovitz, Victoria Elnecave; Teodoro, Maria Ribeiro (1982) [Journal article]
      The imaginary central and spin-orbit components of the .1.-nucleus optical potential are investigated in a 11'-exchange model. It is found that the effective spin-orbit interaction of the isobar reflects lárge nonlocalities ...
    • Nuclear densities and the statistics of nucleonic constituents 

      Betz, Michel Emile Marcel; Hadjimichef, Dimiter (1994) [Journal article]
      In the quark model of the nucleon, the Fermi statistics of the elementary constituents can in6uence significantly the properties of multinucleon bound systems. In the Skyrme model, on the other hand, the basic quanta are ...
    • Quasi-free scattering of polarized electrons by polarized nuclear protons 

      Herscovitz, Victoria Elnecave; Maris, Theodor August Johannes; Teodoro, Maria Ribeiro (1977) [Journal article]
      It Is shown that quasi-free electron scattering in a suitable geometry takes place on strongly polarized nuclear protons. A calculation for the single particle model of 160 predicts large asymmetries for the scattering of ...
    • Rho rho/sup -/ annihilation into pi/sup +/ pi/sup -/ pi/sup 0/ in a hadron-exchange model 

      Betz, Michel Emile Marcel; Veit, Eliane Angela; Mull, V.; Holinde, K. (1997) [Journal article]
      Proton-antiproton annihilation into three pions is studied in a hadron-exchange model. An uncorrelated three-pion channel is added to the two-meson channels considered in previous calculations. Initial-state interactions ...
    • Rotating Skyrmion in 2+1 dimensions 

      Betz, Michel Emile Marcel; Rodrigues, Hercules Borges; Rodama, Takeshi (1996) [Journal article]
      The collective rotation of the Skyrmion in two-dimensional space is considered. In contradistinction to the three-dimensional case, inertial effects do not spoil the hedgehog form and can, therefore, be investigated ...
    • S-wave meson-nucleon scattering in an su(3) cloudy bag model 

      Veit, Eliane Angela; Jennings, B.K.; Thomas, A.W.; Barrett, R.C. (1985) [Journal article]
      The cloudy bag model (CBM) is extended to incorporate chiral SU(3)XSU(3) symmetry, in order to describe 5-wave KN and KN scattering. In spite of the large mass of the kaon, the model yields reasonable results once the ...