Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Electrical magnetotransport properties in RCo12B6 compounds (R = Y, Gd, and Ho) 

      Mesquita, Fabiano; Magalhães, Sergio Garcia; Pureur Neto, Paulo; Diop, Léopold Vincent Birane; Isnard, Olivier (2020) [Journal article]
      Remarkable electronic transport and magnetotransport properties are found in the intermetallic compounds RCo12B6 (R=Y, Ho, and Gd). Detailed resistivity, magnetoresistance, and Hall effect measurements are reported in the ...
    • Hall effect in Ce 1-x Y x/Pd 3 mixed-valence alloys 

      Fert, Albert R.; Pureur Neto, Paulo; Hamzic, Amir; Kappler, J.P. (1985) [Journal article]
      Mixed-valence and Kondo lattice systems exhibit large anomalous Hall coefficients with a striking change of sign at low temperature in severa! systems (CePd3, CeCu6, ... , etc.). We have studied the Hall effect of Ce1-x ...
    • Influence of sample width on the magnetoresistance and planar Hall effect of Co/Cu multilayers 

      Lima, Saulo Cordeiro; Baibich, Mario Norberto (2016) [Journal article]
      We have studied Co/Cu multilayers to understand the effect of the sample’s width on their magnetoresistance (MR). By keeping constant both the length and the thickness and exploring the widths within the range of usual ...
    • Magnetotransport properties in the magnetic phase of BaFe2−xTxAs2 (T = Co,Ni) : a magnetic excitations approach 

      Peña Pacheco, Jully Paola; Piva, M. M.; Rosa, P. F. S.; Pagliuso, P. G.; Adriano, C.; Grant, Ted W.; Fisk, Zachary; Baggio-Saitovitch, E.; Pureur Neto, Paulo (2018) [Journal article]
      Because of their complex Fermi surfaces, the identification of the physical phenomena contributing to electronic scattering in the Fe-based superconductors is a difficult task. Here, we report on the electrical resistivity, ...
    • Single electron dynamics in a Hall thruster electromagnetic field profile 

      Marini, Samuel; Pakter, Renato (2017) [Journal article]
      In this work, the single electron dynamics in a simplified three dimensional Hall thruster model is studied. Using Hamiltonian formalism and the concept of limiting curves, one is able to determine confinement conditions ...
    • Spin texture on top of flux avalanches in Nb/Al2O3/Co thin film heterostructures 

      Lopes, Rovan Fernandes; Carmo, Danusa do; Colauto, Fabiano; Ortiz, Wilson Aires; Andrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira de; Johansen, Tom Henning; Baggio-Saitovitch, E.; Pureur Neto, Paulo (2017) [Journal article]
      We report on magneto-optical imaging, magnetization, Hall effect, and magneto-resistance experiments in Nb/Al2O3/Co thin film heterostructures. The magneto-transport measurements were performed in samples where electrical ...
    • Turn on of new electronic paths in Fe-SiO2 granular thin film 

      Boff, Marco Aurelio Silveira; Hinrichs, Ruth; Canto, B.; Mesquita, Fabiano; Baptista, Daniel Lorscheitter; Fraga, Gilberto Luiz Ferreira (2014) [Journal article]
      The electrical properties of Fe-SiO2 have been studied in the low-field regime (eDV kBT), varying the injected current and the bias potential. Superparamagnetism and a resistance drop of 4400X (for a voltage variation of ...
    • Ultrafast trapping times in ion implanted InP 

      Carmody, Christine; Boudinov, Henri Ivanov; Tan, Hoe H.; Jagadish, Chenupati; Lederer, Max J.; Koley, Vesselin; Luther-Davies, B.; Dao, L.V.; Gal, Michael (2002) [Journal article]
      As+ and P+ implantation was performed on semi-insulating (SI) and p-type InP samples for the purpose of creating a material suitable for ultrafast optoelectronic applications. SI InP samples were implanted with a dose of ...