Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Application of carbon composite adsorbents prepared from coffee waste and clay for the removal of reactive dyes from aqueous solutions 

      Santos, Davis Castro dos; Adebayo, Matthew Ayorinde; Lima, Éder Cláudio; Pereira, Simone de Fátima Pinheiro; Cataluña Veses, Renato; Saucier, Caroline; Thue, Pascal Silas; Machado, Fernando Machado (2015) [Journal article]
      A novel carbon composite was prepared from a mixture of coffee waste and clay with inorganic:organic ratio of 1.3 (CC-1.3). The mixture was pyrolysed at 700 °C. Considering the application of this adsorbent for removal of ...
    • Compósitos de poliestireno e argila aniônica funcionalizada com cinamato com propriedade de absorção de UV 

      Silva, Renato Figueira da; Zanetti, João Pedro Chagas; Donato, Ricardo Keitel; Schrekker, Henri Stephan; Matejka, Libor; Slouf, Miroslav; Dimzoski, Bojan; Amico, Sandro Campos; Canto, Leonardo Bresciani; Pita, Victor Jayme Roget Rodriguez (2013) [Journal article]
      Compósitos de poliestireno com 1, 3 e 5% em massa de argila aniônica funcionalizada com cinamato foram preparados no estado fundido em extrusora de rosca dupla co-rotacional seguido de moldagem por injeção, a fim de se ...
    • Compósitos magnéticos baseados em hidrotalcitas para a remoção de contaminates aniônicos em água 

      Conceição, Leandro da; Pergher, Sibele Berenice Castellã; Moro, Celso Camilo; Oliveira, Luiz C.A. (2007) [Journal article]
      In this work the adsorption features of hydrotalcites (Al, Mg- CO3) and the magnetic properties of iron oxides have been combined in a composite to produce a magnetic adsorbent. These magnetic composites can be used as ...
    • Extrusão de compósitos de PP com fibras curtas de coco : efeito da temperatura e agentes de acoplamento 

      Santos, Evelise Fonseca dos; Moresco, Mauro; Rosa, Simone Maria Leal; Nachtigall, Sonia Marli Bohrz (2010) [Journal article]
      Compósitos de PP com fibras curtas de coco foram preparados em extrusora, com dois perfis de temperatura, visando avaliar o efeito compatibilizante de PP modificado com vinilalcoxisilano e com anidrido maleico. Foi verificado ...
    • Imidazolium ionic liquids as compatibilizer agents for microcrystalline cellulose/epoxy composites 

      Kerche, Eduardo Fischer; Kairytė, Agnė; Członka, Sylwia; Silva, Vinícius Demétrio da; Salles, Nicholas Alves; Schrekker, Henri Stephan; Amico, Sandro Campos (2023) [Journal article]
      Four imidazolium-based ionic liquids (IL; 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride, 1-carboxymethyl3-methylimidazolium chloride, 1,3-dicarboxymethylimidazolium chloride and 1-(2-hydroxyethyl)- 3-methylimidazolium chloride) ...
    • Polyamide worm gear : manufacturing and performance 

      Gasparin, Alexandre Luis; Corso, Leandro Luís; Tentardini, Eduardo Kirinus; Nunes, Regina Célia Reis; Forte, Maria Madalena de Camargo; Oliveira, Ricardo Vinicius Bof de (2012) [Journal article]
      The focus of this paper is to establish a characterisation method for seven polyamide (PA) grades to determine the major material to manufacture an automotive worm gear. The composite properties were measured according to ...
    • Polyester/paper composites : study of manufacturing techniques for product development 

      Porto, Jussara Smidt; Angrizani, Clarissa Coussirat; Calegari, Eliana Paula; Amico, Sandro Campos; Duarte, Lauren da Cunha (2020) [Journal article]
      Composite materials using vegetal fibers and industrial waste are being applied in different areas and structures, requiring, more and more, researches that highlight their characteristics. In this context, the study of ...
    • Studies on the properties of rice-husk-filled pp composites: effect of maleated PP 

      Rosa, Simone Maria Leal; Santos, Evelise Fonseca dos; Ferreira, Carlos Arthur; Nachtigall, Sonia Marli Bohrz (2009) [Journal article]
      Rice husk is a by-product of rice milling process that usually finds inadequate final disposal (burning, land filling). Thermoplastics composites filled with rice husk flour are materials that offer an alternative for using ...
    • Turn on of new electronic paths in Fe-SiO2 granular thin film 

      Boff, Marco Aurelio Silveira; Hinrichs, Ruth; Canto, B.; Mesquita, Fabiano; Baptista, Daniel Lorscheitter; Fraga, Gilberto Luiz Ferreira (2014) [Journal article]
      The electrical properties of Fe-SiO2 have been studied in the low-field regime (eDV kBT), varying the injected current and the bias potential. Superparamagnetism and a resistance drop of 4400X (for a voltage variation of ...