Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Structural change and heteroepitaxy induced by rapid thermal annealing of CaF/sub 2/ films on Si(111) 

      Mattoso Filho, Ney Pereira; Mosca Junior, Dante Homero; Schreiner, Wido Herwig; Mazzaro, Irineu; Teixeira, Sergio Ribeiro; Macedo, Waldemar A.A.; Martins, M.D. (1998) [Journal article]
      In this article we show that heteroepitaxial CaF2 films can be induced on Si~111! with a rapid thermal anneal. The change from preferentially oriented polycrystals to a single crystal with type- B epitaxy is visible by ...
    • The epitaxial growth of evaporated cu/caf2 bilayers on si(111) 

      Mattoso Filho, Ney Pereira; Mosca Junior, Dante Homero; Mazzaro, Irineu; Teixeira, Sergio Ribeiro; Schreiner, Wido Herwig (1995) [Journal article]
      Successful and unexpected epitaxial growth of Cu/CaF2, bilayers on hydrogen terminated Si(111) wafers by thermal evaporation is reported. The bilayers were characterized with conventional x-ray diffraction experiments, ...