Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    • 2006 Whole Earth Telescope observations of GD358 : a new look at the prototype DBV 

      Provencal, Judith L.; Montgomery, Michael Houston; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Shipman, Harry L.; Childers, D.; Baran, Andrzej; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Reed, M. D.; Zhou, Ai-Ying; Eggen, J.; Watson, Todd K.; Winget, Donald Earl; Thompson, S. E.; Riaz, B.; Nitta, Atsuko; Kleinman, Scot James; Crowe, Richard A.; Slivkoff, Jay; Sherard, P.; Purves, Norman G.; Binder, Philippe M.; Knight, R.; Kim, Seung-Lee; Chen, Wen-Ping; Yang, M.; Lin, Hung-Chin; Lin, Chien-Cheng; Chen, C.-W.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Sergeev, A.; Mkrtichian, David; Andreev, M.; Janulis, Rimvydas; Siwak, Michal; Zola, Staszek; Koziel-Wierzbowska, Dorota; Stachowski, G.; Paparo, Margit; Bognár, Zsófia; Handler, Gerald; Lorenz, Denise; Steininger, Bruno; Beck, Paul; Nagel, Thorsten; Kusterer, D.; Hoffman, A.; Reiff, E.; Kowalski, R.; Vauclair, Gérard; Charpinet, Stéphane; Chevreton, Michel; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Pakstiene, Erika; Fraga, Luciano; Dalessio, J. (2009) [Journal article]
      We report on the analysis of 436.1 hr of nearly continuous high-speed photometry on the pulsating DB white dwarf GD358 acquired with the Whole Earth Telescope (WET) during the 2006 international observing run, designated ...
    • Amplitude and frequency variability of the pulsating DB white dwarf stars KUV 05134+2605 and PG 1654+160 observed with the Whole Earth Telescope 

      Handler, Gerald; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Muller, M.; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Johannessen, F.; Paparo, Margit; Szeidl, Bela; Virághalmy, Géza; Silvotti, Roberto; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Pallier, E.; Chevreton, Michel; Kurtz, Donald W.; Bromage, Gordon E.; Cunha, Margarida S.; Ostensen, Roy; Fraga, Luciano; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Amorim, André; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo da; Anderson, R.F.; Wood, Matthew A.; Silvestri, Nicole M.; Klumpe, Eric W.; Carlton, Robert F.; Miller, Hugh Richard; McFarland, John P.; Grauer, Albert D.; Kawaler, Steven D.; Riddle, Reed L.; Reed, M. D.; Nather, R. Edward; Winget, Donald Earl; Hill, J.A.; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Mukadam, Anjum Shagufta; Kilic, Mukremin; Watson, Todd K.; Kleinman, Scot James; Nitta, Atsuko; Guzik, Joyce Ann; Bradley, Paul A.; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Sullivan, Denis J.; Sullivan, Terry; Shobbrook, Robert R.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Birch, P.; Ashoka, B.N.; Seetha, S.; Girish, V.; Joshi, Santosh; Dorokhova, Tatyana N.; Dorokhov, N.I.; Akan, Mustafa Can; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Janulis, Rimvydas; Kalytis, Romualdas; Alisauskas, Darius; Anguma, S.K.; Kalebwe, P.C.; Moskalik, Pawel; Ogloza, Waldemar; Stachowski, G.; Pajdosz, Gabriel; Zola, Staszek (2003) [Journal article]
      We have acquired new time series photometry of the two pulsating DB white dwarf stars KUV 05134+2605 and PG 1654+160 with the Whole Earth Telescope. Additional single-site photometry is also presented. We use all these ...
    • Asteroseismology of a star cooled by neutrino emission : the pulsating pre-white dwarf PG 0122+200 

      O'Brien, M. Sean; Vauclair, Gérard; Kawaler, Steven D.; Watson, Todd K.; Winget, Donald Earl; Nather, R. Edward; Montgomery, Michael Houston; Nitta, Atsuko; Kleinman, Scot James; Sullivan, Denis J.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Marar, T.M. Krishnan; Seetha, S.; Ashoka, B.N.; Bhattacharya, J.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Hemar, Shirley; Ibbetson, Peter A.; Warner, B.; Van Zyl, L.; Moskalik, Pawel; Zola, Staszek; Pajdosz, Gabriel; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Dolez, Noël; Chevreton, Michel; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Thomassen, T.; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Provencal, Judith L.; Wood, Matthew A.; Clemens, J. Christopher (1998) [Journal article]
      Observation of g-mode pulsations in the variable pre-white dwarf (GW Virginis) stars provides a unique means to probe their interiors and to study the late stages of stellar evolution. Multisite campaigns have in several ...
    • Constraining the evolution of ZZ Ceti 

      Mukadam, Anjum Shagufta; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Winget, Donald Earl; Nather, R. Edward; Kilic, Mukremin; Mullally, Fergal; Von Hippel, Theodore A.; Kleinman, Scot James; Nitta, Atsuko; Guzik, Joyce Ann; Bradley, Paul A.; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Sullivan, Denis J.; Sullivan, Terry; Shobbrook, Robert R.; Birch, P.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Xu, D.W.; Joshi, Santosh; Ashoka, B.N.; Ibbetson, Peter A.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Ofek, Eran O.; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Janulis, Rimvydas; Alisauskas, Darius; Kalytis, Romualdas; Handler, Gerald; Kilkenny, Dave; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Kurtz, Donald W.; Muller, M.; Moskalik, Pawel; Ogloza, Waldemar; Zola, Staszek; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Johannessen, F.; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Silvotti, Roberto; Bernabei, S.; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Fu, Jianning Ning; Chevreton, Michel; Manteiga, Minia; Suarez, Olga; Ulla, Ana; Cunha, Margarida S.; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Fraga, Luciano; Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo da; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Fontaine, Gilles; Bergeron, Pierre; O'Brien, M. Sean; Sanwal, Divas; Wood, Matthew A.; Ahrens, T.J.; Silvestri, Nicole M.; Klumpe, Eric W.; Kawaler, Steven D.; Riddle, Reed L.; Reed, M. D.; Watson, Todd K. (2003) [Journal article]
      We report our analysis of the stability of pulsation periods in the DAV star (pulsating hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf ) ZZ Ceti, also called R548. On the basis of observations that span 31 years, we conclude that the ...
    • Discovery of the 'missing' mode in HR 1217 by the Whole Earth Telescope 

      Kurtz, Donald W.; Kawaler, Steven D.; Riddle, Reed L.; Reed, M. D.; Cunha, Margarida S.; Wood, Matthew A.; Silvestri, Nicole M.; Watson, Todd K.; Dolez, Noël; Moskalik, Pawel; Zola, Staszek; Pallier, E.; Guzik, Joyce Ann; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Mukadam, Anjum Shagufta; Nather, R. Edward; Winget, Donald Earl; Sullivan, Denis J.; Sullivan, Terry; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Jiang, Xiaojun; Shobbrook, Robert R.; Ashoka, B.N.; Seetha, S.; Joshi, Santosh; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Handler, Gerald; Mueller, M.; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Johannessen, F.; Ulla, Ana; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo da; Fraga, Luciano; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Matthews, Jaymie M.; WET collaboration (2002) [Journal article]
      HR1217 is a prototypical rapidly oscillating Ap star that has presented a test to the theory of non-radial stellar pulsation. Prior observations showed a clear pattern of five modes with alternating frequency spacings of ...
    • Empirical determination of convection parameters in white dwarfs. I. Whole earth telescope obsevations of EC14012-1446 

      Provencal, Judith L.; Montgomery, Michael Houston; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Thompson, S. E.; Dalessio, J.; Shipman, Harry L.; Childers, D.; Clemens, J. Christopher; Rosen, Rachel; Henrique, P.; Bischoff-Kim, Agnès; Strickland, Willie; Chandler, Dean W.; Walter, B.; Watson, Todd K.; Castanheira, Bárbara Garcia; Wang, Siqiu; Handler, Gerald; Wood, Matthew A.; Vennes, S.; Nemeth, Peter; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Reed, M. D.; Nitta, Atsuko; Kleinman, Scot James; Brown, Tim; Kim, Seung-Lee; Sullivan, Denis J.; Chen, Wen-Ping; Yang, M.; Shih, Chia-You; Jiang, Xiaojun; Sergeev, A.; Maksim, A.; Janulis, Rimvydas; Baliyan, Kiran S.; Vats, Hari Om; Zola, Staszek; Baran, Andrzej; Winiarski, M.; Ogloza, Waldemar; Paparo, Margit; Baran, Andrzej; Bognár, Zsófia; Papics, P.; Kilkenny, Dave; Sefako, R.; Buckley, David A.H.; Loaring, N.; Kniazev, A.; Silvotti, Roberto; Galleti, S.; Nagel, Thorsten; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Fremy, J. R.; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Almenara, J. M.; Fraga, Luciano (2012) [Journal article]
      We report on an analysis of 308.3 hr of high-speed photometry targeting the pulsating DA white dwarf EC14012-1446. The datawere acquiredwith theWhole Earth Telescope during the 2008 international observing run XCOV26. The ...
    • Mode identification of pulsating white dwarfs using the Hubble Space Telescope 

      Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Robinson, E.L.; Koester, Detlev; Clemens, J. Christopher; Nather, R. Edward; Jiang, Xiaojun (2000) [Journal article]
      We have obtained time-resolved ultraviolet spectroscopy for the pulsating DAV stars G226-29 and G185-32 and for the pulsating DBV star PG 1351+489 with the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph to compare the ...
    • Pushing the ground-based limit : 14-μmag photometric precision with the definitive Whole Earth Telescope asteroseismic data set for the rapidly oscillating Ap star HR 1217 

      Kurtz, Donald W.; Cameron, C.; Cunha, Margarida S.; Dolez, Noël; Vauclair, Gérard; Pallier, E.; Ulla, Ana; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo da; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Fraga, Luciano; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Wood, Matthew A.; Silvestri, Nicole M.; Kawaler, Steven D.; Riddle, Reed L.; Reed, M. D.; Watson, Todd K.; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Mukadam, Anjum Shagufta; Nather, R. Edward; Winget, Donald Earl; Nitta, Atsuko; Kleinman, Scot James; Guzik, Joyce Ann; Bradley, Paul A.; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Sullivan, Denis J.; Sullivan, Terry; Shobbrook, Robert R.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Birch, P.; Ashoka, B.N.; Seetha, S.; Girish, V.; Joshi, Santosh; Moskalik, Pawel; Zola, Staszek; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Handler, Gerald; Mueller, M.; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Johannessen, F.; Bigot, L. (2005) [Journal article]
      HR1217 is one of the best-studied rapidly oscillating Ap (roAp) stars, with a frequency spectrum of alternating even-and odd-l modes that are distorted by the presence of a strong, global magnetic field. Several recent ...
    • Steps toward determination of the size and structure of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei. VIII. An intensive HST, IUE, and ground-based study of NGC 5548 

      Korista, Kirk T.; Alloin, Danielle Marie; Barr, P.; Clavel, J.; Cohen, R.D.; Crenshaw, Daniel Michael; Evans, I.N.; Horne, Keith; Koratkar, A.P.; Kriss, Gerard A.; Krolik, J.H.; Malkan, M.A.; Morris, S.L.; Netzer, Hagai; O'Brien, P.T.; Peterson, Bradley M.; Reichert, G.A.; Rodriguez-Pascual, P.M.; Wamsteker, W.; Anderson, K.S.J.; Axon, David J.; Benitez, E.; Berlind, P.; Bertram, R.; Blackwell, J.H., Jr.; Bochkarev, N.G.; Boisson, Catherine; Carini, M.; Carrillo, R.; Carone, T.E.; Cheng, F.Z.; Christensem, J.A.; Chuvaev, K.K.; Dietrich, Matthias; Dokter, J.J.; Doroshenko, V.; Hayan, D. Dultzin; England, M.N.; Espey, B.R.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Gaskell, C.M.; Goad, M.R.; Ho, Luis C.; Huchra, John P.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Kaspi, Shai; Kollatschny, W.; Laor, A.; Luminet, J.P.; Macalpine, G.M.; Mackenty, J.W.; Malkov, Yu. F.; Maoz, D.; Martin, P.G.; Matheson, T.; Mccollum, B.; Merkulova, N.; Metik, L.; Mignoli, M.; Miller, Hugh Richard; Pastoriza, Miriani Griselda; Pelat, D.; Penfold, J.; Perez, Marth; Perola, G.C.; Persaud, J.L.; Peters, J.; Pitts, R.; Pogge, Richard William; Pronik, V.I.; Ptak, R.L.; Rawley, L.; Recondo-Gonzalez, M.C.; Rodríguez Espinosa, Jose Miguel; Romanishin, W.; Sadun, A.C.; Salamanca, I.; Santos-Lleo, M.; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Sergeev, S.G.; Shapovalova, A.I.; Shields, J.C.; Sharder, C.; Shull, John Michael; Silbermann, N.A.; Sitko, M.L.; Skillman, D.R.; Smith, H.A.; Smith, S.M.; Snijders, M.A.J.; Sparke, L.S.; Stirpe, Giovanna M.; Stoner, R.E.; Sun, W.-H.; Thiele, U.; Tokarz, S.; Tsvetanov, Z.I.; Turnshek, D.A.; Veilleux, Sylvain; Wagner, R.M.; Wagner, S.J.; Wanders, I.; Wang, T.; Welsh, W.F.; Weymann, R.J.; White, R.J.; Wilkes, B.J.; Wills, B.J.; Winge, Claudia; Wu, H.; Zou, Z.L. (1995) [Journal article]
      We present the data and initial results from a combined HST/IUE/ground-based spectroscopic monitoring campaign on the Seyfert I galaxy NGC 5548 that was undertaken in order to address questions that require both higher ...
    • The everchanging pulsating white dwarf GD358 

      Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Nather, R. Edward; Winget, Donald Earl; Nitta, Atsuko; Kleinman, Scot James; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Jiang, Xiaojun; Sullivan, Denis J.; Sullivan, Terry; Janulis, Rimvydas; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Kalytis, Romualdas; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Ogloza, Waldemar; Zola, Staszek; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni; Martinez, Peter; Dreizler, Stefan; Deetjen, Jochen L.; Nagel, Thorsten; Schuh, Sonja L.; Vauclair, Gérard; Fu, Jianning Ning; Chevreton, Michel; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Johannessen, F.; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Costa, Jose Eduardo da Silveira; Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo da; Wood, Matthew A.; Silvestri, Nicole M.; Ahrens, T.J.; Jones, Aaron Kyle; Collins, A.E.; Boyer, M.; Shaw, James Scott; Mukadam, Anjum Shagufta; Klumpe, Eric W.; Larrison, Jesse; Kawaler, Steven D.; Riddle, Reed L.; Ulla, Ana; Bradley, Paul A. (2003) [Journal article]
      We report 323 hours of nearly uninterrupted time series photometric observations of the DBV star GD 358 acquired with the Whole Earth Telescope (WET) during May 23rd to June 8th, 2000. We acquired more than 232 000 independent ...
    • The pulsation modes of the pre-white dwarf PG 1159-035 

      Costa, Jose Eduardo da Silveira; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Winget, Donald Earl; O'Brien, M. Sean; Kawaler, Steven D.; Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo da; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Mukadam, Anjum Shagufta; Mullally, Fergal; Nitta, Atsuko; Provencal, Judith L.; Shipman, Harry L.; Wood, Matthew A.; Ahrens, T.J.; Grauer, Albert D.; Kilic, Mukremin; Bradley, Paul A.; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Crowe, Richard A.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Sullivan, Denis J.; Sullivan, Terry; Rosen, Rachel; Clemens, J. Christopher; Janulis, Rimvydas; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Ogloza, Waldemar; Baran, Andrzej; Silvotti, Roberto; Marinoni, S.; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Chevreton, Michel; Dreizler, Stefan; Schuh, Sonja L.; Deetjen, Jochen L.; Nagel, Thorsten; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Ulla, Ana; Barstow, Martin A.; Burleigh, Matt; Good, Simon A.; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Kim, Seung-Lee; Lee, H.; Sergeev, A.; Akan, Mustafa Can; Cakirli, Ö; Paparo, Margit; Virághalmy, Géza; Ashoka, B.N.; Handler, Gerald; Hürkal, Özlem; Johannessen, F.; Kleinman, Scot James; Kalytis, Romualdas; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Klumpe, Eric W.; Larrison, Jesse; Lawrence, T.; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Martinez, Peter; Nather, R. Edward; Fu, Jianning Ning; Pakstiene, Erika; Rosen, R.; Romero-Colmenero, Encarni; Riddle, Reed L.; Seetha, S.; Silvestri, Nicole M.; Vuckovic, Maja; Warner, B.; Zola, Staszek; Althaus, Leandro Gabriel; Córsico, Alejandro Hugo; Montgomery, Michael Houston (2008) [Journal article]
      Context. PG 1159-035, a pre-white dwarf with Teff ~_140 000 K, is the prototype of both two classes: the PG 1159 spectroscopic class and the DOV pulsating class. Previous studies of PG 1159-035 photometric data obtained ...
    • The pulsations of PG 1351+489 

      Redaelli, Maurício; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Costa, Jose Eduardo da Silveira; Winget, Donald Earl; Handler, Gerald; Castanheira, Bárbara Garcia; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Fraga, Luciano; Henrique, P.; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Provencal, Judith L.; Shipman, Harry L.; Dalessio, J.; Thompson, S. E.; Mullally, Fergal; Brewer, M. M.; Childers, D.; Oksala, M. E.; Rosen, Rachel; Wood, Matthew A.; Reed, M. D.; Walter, B.; Strickland, Willie; Chandler, Dean W.; Watson, Todd K.; Nather, R. Edward; Montgomery, Michael Houston; Bischoff-Kim, Agnès; Hansen, Carl J.; Nitta, Atsuko; Kleinman, Scot James; Claver, C.F.; Brown, Tim; Sullivan, Denis J.; Kim, Seung-Lee; Chen, Wen-Ping; Yang, M.; Shih, Chia-You; Zhang, X; Jiang, Xiaojun; Fu, Jianning Ning; Seetha, S.; Ashoka, B.N.; Marar, T.M. Krishnan; Baliyan, Kiran S.; Vats, Hari Om; Chernyshev, A.V.; Ibbetson, Peter A.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Hemar, Shirley; Sergeev, A.; Andreev, M.; Janulis, Rimvydas; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Moskalik, Pawel; Pajdosz, Gabriel; Baran, Andrzej; Winiarski, M.; Zola, Staszek; Ogloza, Waldemar; Siwak, Michal; Bognár, Zsófia; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Sefako, R.; Buckley, David A.H.; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Nagel, Thorsten; Silvotti, Roberto; Bruni, I.; Fremy, J. R.; Vauclair, Gérard; Chevreton, Michel; Dolez, Noël; Pfeiffer, Ben; Barstow, Martin A.; Creevey, o; Kawaler, Steven D.; Clemens, J. Christopher (2011) [Journal article]
      PG 1351+489 is one of the 20DBVs – pulsating helium-atmospherewhite dwarf stars – known and has the simplest power spectrum for this class of star, making it a good candidate to study cooling rates. We report accurate ...
    • A Whole Earth Telescope campaign on the pulsating subdwarf B binary system PG 1336-018 (NY Vir) 

      Kilkenny, Dave; Reed, M. D.; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Kawaler, Steven D.; Mukadam, Anjum Shagufta; Kleinman, Scot James; Nitta, Atsuko; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Provencal, Judith L.; Watson, Todd K.; Sullivan, Denis J.; Sullivan, Terry; Shobbrook, Robert R.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Joshi, Santosh; Ashoka, B.N.; Seetha, S.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Ibbetson, Peter A.; Mendelson, Haim; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Kalytis, Romualdas; Alisauskas, Darius; Martinez, Peter; Van Wyk, Francois; Stobie, Robert S.; Marang, Fred; Zola, Staszek; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Ogloza, Waldemar; Moskalik, Pawel; Silvotti, Roberto; Piccioni, Adalberto; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Chevreton, Michel; Dreizler, Stefan; Schuh, Sonja L.; Deetjen, Jochen L.; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Ulla, Ana; Ostensen, Roy; Manteiga, Minia; Suarez, Olga; Burleigh, Matt; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Giovannini Junior, Odilon (2003) [Journal article]
      We present results from a multisite (‘Whole Earth Telescope’) photometric campaign on PG 1336−018, the close eclipsing binary system containing a pulsating subdwarf B (sdB) star. The main part of the campaign (1999 April) ...
    • Whole Earth Telescope observations of BPM 37093 : a seismological test of crystallization theory in white dwarfs 

      Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Nitta, Atsuko; Winget, Donald Earl; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Montgomery, Michael Houston; Metcalfe, Travis S.; Oliveira, H.; Fraga, Luciano; Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo da; Costa, Jose Eduardo da Silveira; Castanheira, Bárbara Garcia; Giovannini Junior, Odilon; Nather, R. Edward; Mukadam, Anjum Shagufta; Kawaler, Steven D.; O'Brien, M. Sean; Reed, M. D.; Kleinman, Scot James; Provencal, Judith L.; Watson, Todd K.; Kilkenny, Dave; Sullivan, Denis J.; Sullivan, Terry; Shobbrook, Bob; Jiang, Xiaojun; Ashoka, B.N.; Seetha, S.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Ibbetson, Peter A.; Mendelson, Haim; Meistas, Edmundas G.; Kalytis, Romualdas; Alisauskas, Darius; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Buckley, David A.H.; Martinez, Peter; Van Wyk, Francois; Stobie, Robert S.; Marang, Fred; Van Zyl, L.; Ogloza, Waldemar; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Zola, Staszek; Moskalik, Pawel; Breger, M.; Stankov, A.; Silvotti, Roberto; Piccioni, Adalberto; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Chevreton, Michel; Deetjen, Jochen L.; Dreizler, Stefan; Schuh, Sonja L.; Gonzalez Perez, Jose Miguel; Ostensen, Roy; Ulla, Ana; Manteiga, Minia; Suarez, Olga; Burleigh, Matt; Barstow, Martin A. (2005) [Journal article]
      BPM 37093 is the only hydrogen-atmosphere white dwarf currently known which has sufficient mass (~1.1 Mʘ) to theoretically crystallize while still inside the ZZ Ceti instability strip (Teff ~ 12 000 K). As a consequence, ...
    • Whole Earth Telescope observations of the hot helium atmosphere pulsating white dwarf EC 20058−5234 

      Sullivan, Denis J.; Metcalfe, Travis S.; O'Donoghue, Darragh; Winget, Donald Earl; Kilkenny, Dave; Van Wyk, Francois; Kanaan Neto, Antonio Nemer; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Nitta, Atsuko; Kawaler, Steven D.; Montgomery, Michael Houston; Nather, R. Edward; O'Brien, M. Sean; Bischoff-Kim, Agnès; Wood, Matthew A.; Jiang, Xiaojun; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Ibbetson, Peter A.; Zola, Staszek; Krzesinski, Jerzy; Pajdosz, Gabriel; Vauclair, Gérard; Dolez, Noël; Chevreton, Michel (2008) [Journal article]
      We present the analysis of a total of 177 h of high-quality optical time-series photometry of the helium atmosphere pulsating white dwarf (DBV) EC 20058−5234. The bulk of the observations (135 h) were obtained during a WET ...
    • Whole Earth Telescope observations of the pulsating subdwarf B star PG 0014+067 

      Vuckovic, Maja; Kawaler, Steven D.; O'Toole, Simon; Csubry, Z.; Baran, Andrzej; Zola, Staszek; Moskalik, Pawel; Klumpe, Eric W.; Riddle, Reed L.; O'Brien, M. Sean; Mullally, Fergal; Wood, Matthew A.; Wilkat, Vanessa; Zhou, Ai-Ying; Reed, M. D.; Terndrup, Donald M.; Sullivan, Denis J.; Kim, Seung-Lee; Chen, Wen-Ping; Chen, C.-W.; Hsiao, Wen-Shan; Kausharbanu, Sanchawala; Lee, Hsu-Tai; Jiang, Xiaojun; Janulis, Rimvydas; Siwak, Michal; Ogloza, Waldemar; Paparo, Margit; Bognár, Zsófia; Sódor, Ádám; Handler, Gerald; Lorenz, Denise; Steininger, Bruno; Silvotti, Roberto; Vauclair, Gérard; Oreiro, Raquel; Ostensen, Roy; Bronowska, A.; Castanheira, Bárbara Garcia; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Fraga, Luciano; Shipman, Harry L.; Provencal, Judith L.; Childers, D. (2006) [Journal article]
      PG 0014+067 is one of the most promising pulsating subdwarf B stars for seismic analysis, as it has a rich pulsation spectrum. The richness of its pulsations, however, poses a fundamental challenge to understanding the ...
    • Whole Earth Telescope observations of the subdwarf B star KPD1930+2752 : a rich, short-period pulsator in a close binary 

      Reed, M. D.; Harms, S. L.; Poindexter, S.; Zhou, Ai-Ying; Eggen, J.; Morris, M. A.; Quint, A. C.; McDaniel, S.; Baran, Andrzej; Dolez, Noël; Kawaler, Steven D.; Kurtz, Donald W.; Moskalik, Pawel; Riddle, Reed L.; Zola, Staszek; Ostensen, Roy; Solheim, Jan-Eric; Kepler, Souza Oliveira; Costa, Alex Fabiano Murillo da; Provencal, Judith L.; Mullally, Fergal; Winget, Donald Earl; Vuckovic, Maja; Crowe, Richard A.; Terry, D.; Avila, R.; Berkey, B.; Stewart, S.; Bodnarik, J.; Bolton, D.; Binder, Philippe M.; Sekiguchi, Kazuhiro; Sullivan, Denis J.; Kim, Seung-Lee; Chen, Wen-Ping; Chen, C.-W.; Lin, Hung-Chin; Jiang, Xiaojun; Wu, H.; Gou, J.-P.; Liu, Z.; Leibowitz, Elia M.; Lipkin, Y.; Akan, Mustafa Can; Cakirli, Ö; Janulis, Rimvydas; Pretorius, R.; Ogloza, Waldemar; Stachowski, G.; Paparo, Margit; Szabó, R.; Csubry, Z.; Zsuffa, D.; Silvotti, Roberto; Marinoni, S.; Bruni, I.; Vauclair, Gérard; Chevreton, Michel; Matthews, Jaymie M.; Cameron, C.; Pablo, H. (2011) [Journal article]
      KPD 1930+2752 is a short-period pulsating subdwarf B (sdB) star. It is also an ellipsoidal variable with a known binary period of 2.3 h. The companion is most likely a white dwarf and the total mass of the system is close ...