• Clinical standards for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of TB infection 

      Migliori, Giovanni Battista; Silva, Denise Rossato; Ong, Catherine W. M. (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis (TB) preventive therapy (TPT) decreases the risk of developing TB disease and its associated morbidity and mortality. The aim of these clinical standards is to guide the assessment, management of ...
    • Clinical standards for the dosing and management of TB drugs 

      Alffenaar, Jan-Willem; Silva, Denise Rossato; Migliori, Giovanni Battista (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      BACKGROUND: Optimal drug dosing is important to ensure adequate response to treatment, prevent development of drug resistance and reduce drug toxicity. The aim of these clinical standards is to provide guidance on 'best ...
    • Developing a standard set of patient-centred outcomes for adult oral health : an international, cross-disciplinary consensus 

      Ríordáin, Richeal Ní; Glick, Michael; Mashhadani, Shiamaa Shihab Ahmed Al; Aravamudhan, Krishna; Barrow, Jane R.; Cole, Deborah; Crall, James J.; Gallagher, Jennifer Elizabeth; Gibson, Jacqui; Hegde, Shalika; Kaberry, Rebekah; Kalenderian, Elsbeth; Karki, Anup J.; Celeste, Roger Keller; Listl, Stefan M.; Myers, Stacie N.; Niederman, Richard; Séverin, Tania; Smith, Mark W.; Murray Thomson, W.; Tsakos, Georgios; Vujicic, Marko; Watt, Richard Geddie; Whittaker, Sarah; Williams, David Michael J. (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Objective To develop a minimum Adult Oral Health Standard Set (AOHSS) for use in clinical practice, research, advocacy and population health. Materials and methods An international oral health working group (OHWG) was ...
    • Gestational weight gain charts : results from the Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium 

      Kac, Gilberto; Carrilho, Thaís Rangel Bousquet; Rasmussen, Kathleen M.; Reichenheim, Michael Eduardo; Farias, Dayana Rodrigues; Hutcheon, Jennifer A.; Drehmer, Michele; Brazilian Maternal and Child Nutrition Consortium (2021) [Artículo de periódico]
      Background: Monitoring gestational weight gain (GWG) is fundamental to ensure a successful pregnancy for the mother and the offspring. There are several international GWG charts, but just a few for low- and middle-income ...
    • Validation of reference genes for normalization gene expression in reverse transcription quantitative PCR in human normal thyroid and goiter tissue 

      Weber, Raquel; Bertoni, Ana Paula Santin; Bessestil, Laura Walter; Assis Brasil, Beatriz Maria de Azevedo; Brum, Ilma Simoni; Furlanetto, Tania Weber (2014) [Artículo de periódico]
      Alternaria sp. MG1, an endophytic fungus isolated from Vitis vinifera, can independently produce resveratrol, indicating that this species contains the key genes for resveratrol biosynthesis. Identification of these key ...