Mostrando ítems 6001-6020 de 10600

    • Investigação da atividade antimicrobiana do óleo volátil de espécies da família Myrtaceae 

      Limberger, Renata Pereira; Apel, Miriam Anders; Sobral, Marcos Eduardo Guerra; Schapoval, Elfrides Eva Scherman; Henriques, Amelia Teresinha (1998) [Artículo de periódico]
      Óleos voláteis de folhas frescas de espécies pertencentes a família Myrtaceae, de ocorrência no sul do Brasil, obtidos por extração através de destilação por arraste de vapor foram avaliados quanto à sua atividade ...
    • Investigação da presença de efedrinas em ephedra tweediana fisch & c. a. meyer e em e. triandra tul. (ephedraceae) coletadas em Porto Alegre/RS 

      Boff, Bruna de Souza; Sebben, Viviane Cristina; Paliosa, Patrícia Klitzke; Azambuja, Ingrid Espíndola; Singer, Rodrigo Bustos; Limberger, Renata Pereira (2008) [Artículo de periódico]
      Amostras de Ephedra tweediana Fisch & C.A. Meyer, coletadas de populações nativas da Reserva Biológica do Lami José Lutzenberger (Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil), e amostras de Ephedra triandra Tul., obtidas de plantas cultivadas ...
    • Investigação de erros inatos do metabolismo 

      Wajner, Moacir; Vargas, Carmen Regla; Burin, Maira Graeff; Giugliani, Roberto; Coelho, Janice Carneiro (2001) [Artículo de periódico]
      Os erros inatos do metabolismo são doenças metabólicas hereditárias individualmente raras, mas que em seu conjunto apresentam uma incidência aproximada de pelo menos 1 caso para cada mil nascimentos. O presente trabalho ...
    • Investigação do potencial antioxidante e anticolinesterásico de hippeastrum (amaryllidaceae) 

      Giordani, Raquel Brandt; Pagliosa, Letícia; Henriques, Amelia Teresinha; Zuanazzi, Jose Angelo Silveira; Dutilh, Julie Henriette Antoinette (2008) [Artículo de periódico]
      Amaryllidaceae family is an important source of bioactive molecules and considering the taxonomic relationships, it is relevant to investigate the genus Hippeastrum. Thus, the aim of this work was to determine antioxidant ...
    • Investigacao historica : relevancia e estrategia metodologica nas ciencias do movimento humano 

      Negrine, Airton da Silva (1998) [Artículo de periódico]
      Resumo não disponível
    • Investigation of oral and general health status and IL-1β gene polymorphism as risk factors for oral mucositis in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation patients 

      Curra, Marina; Baldin, Julianna Joanna de Carvalho Moraes C.; Martins, Marco Antonio Trevizani; Schuch, Lauren Frenzel; Carvalho, Ana Luísa Saraiva Homem de; Gaio, Eduardo José; Rösing, Cassiano Kuchenbecker; Bittencourt, Rosane Isabel; Gregianin, Lauro José; Paz, Alessandra Aparecida; Daudt, Liane Esteves; Martins, Manoela Domingues (2022) [Artículo de periódico]
      The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship of OM with possible risk factors such as oral health condition, immunological status and IL-1β profile in patients submitted to hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ...
    • Investigation of SIRT1 gene variants in HIV-associated lipodystrophy and metabolic syndrome 

      Tagliari, Carmela Farias da Silva; Oliveira, Cáren Nunes de; Vogel, Greice Meyer; Silva, Patrícia Baptista da; Linden, Rafael; Lazzaretti, Rosmeri Kuhmmer; Notti, Regina Kuhmmer; Sprinz, Eduardo; Mattevi, Vanessa Sune (2020) [Artículo de periódico]
      HIV-infected individuals on chronic use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) are more likely to develop adipose tissue and metabolic disorders, such as lipodystrophy (LD) and metabolic syndrome (MetS). The ...
    • A invisibilidade da violência psicológica pelos profissionais de saúde 

      Silveira, Tatiane Britto da; Oliveira, Adriane Maria Netto de; Algeri, Simone; Susin, Lulie Rosane Odeh; Baisch, Ana Luiza Muccillo; Marques, Leticia Amico; Silva, Priscila Arruda da (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      Introdução: A violência intrafamiliar é um problema social e de saúde pública e, atualmente, tem seus índices aumentados. Encontra-se presente em todas as classes sociais, étnicas ou grau de escolaridade. Objetivo: Identifi ...
    • Invisibilidade não significa ausência : imagens de mulheres em obras referenciais do skate e do fisiculturismo no Brasil 

      Goellner, Silvana Vilodre; Jaeger, Angelita Alice; Figueira, Márcia Luiza Machado (2011) [Artículo de periódico]
      Fundamentada nos estudos feministas e de gênero, a partir da perspectiva pós- -estruturalista de Michel Foucault, este texto analisa a pouca visibilidade conferida às atletas mulheres em duas obras consideradas referência ...
    • (In) visibility of notifications of violence against children and adolescents registered in a municipality in southern Brazil 

      Silva, Priscila Arruda da; Lunardi, Valéria Lerch; Meucci, Rodrigo Dalke; Algeri, Simone; Silva, Michele Peixoto da; Franciscatto, Flávia Pivoto (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      Objective. To know the perception of health, education and social service professionals about the records and notifications of violence against children and adolescents, carried out in a municipality in the south of Brazil. ...
    • In vitro activity of non-bactericidal concentrations of polymyxin B in combination with other antimicrobials against OXA-23-producing carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii 

      Netto, Bárbara Helena Teixeira; Vieira, Bruno J.; Hermes, Djuli Milene; Ribeiro, Vanessa Bley; Zavascki, Alexandre Prehn (2013) [Artículo de periódico]
    • In vitro analysis of shear bond strength and adhesive remnant index of different metal brackets 

      Henkin, Fernanda de Souza; Macedo, Érika de Oliveira Dias de; Santos, Karoline da Silva; Schwarzbach, Marília; Samuel, Susana Maria Werner; Mundstock, Karina Santos (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      Introduction: There is a great variety of orthodontic brackets in the Brazilian market, and constantly evaluating them is critical for professionals to know their properties, so as to be able to choose which product best ...
    • In vitro and in vivo evaluation of lyophilized bovine bone biocompatibility 

      Galia, Carlos Roberto; Macedo, Carlos Alberto de Souza; Rosito, Ricardo; Mello, Tielle Müller de; Camargo, Lourdes Maria Araújo Quaresma; Moreira, Luis Fernando (2008) [Artículo de periódico]
      INTRODUCTION: The use of bone grafts in orthopedic, maxillofacial and dental surgery has been growing. Nevertheless, both fresh autografts and frozen allografts have limitations, and therefore, alternative synthetic or ...
    • In vitro antibacterial activity of a silicone-based endodontic sealer and two conventional sealers 

      Wainstein, Marcela; Morgental, Renata Dornelles; Waltrick, Silvana Beltrami Gonçalves; Oliveira, Sílvia Dias de; Vier-Pelisser, Fabiana Vieira; Figueiredo, Jose Antonio Poli de; Steier, Liviu; Tavares, Cauana Oliva; Scarparo, Roberta Kochenborger (2016) [Artículo de periódico]
      : The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the modification in the silver component is capable of providing GuttaFlow 2 with antibacterial activity against Enterococcus faecalis compared with epoxy resin-based (AH ...
    • In vitro antifungal susceptibility of agents for superficial phaeohyphomycosis 

      Pagnussat, Viviane; Machado, Gabriella da Rosa Monte; Scarton, Janaína; Fuentefria, Alexandre Meneghello (2020) [Artículo de periódico]
      The selection of fungal isolates resistant to available therapy associated with an increase in the number of immunosuppressed patients has contributed to the incidence of infections caused by dematiaceous fungi. Thus, this ...
    • In vitro cytotoxicity of extracts from brazilian asteraceae 

      Monks, Noel R.; Ferraz, Alexandre de Barros Falcão; Bordignon, Sergio Augusto de Loreto; Machado, Katia Regina Bica; Lima, Martha Fogliatto Santos; Rocha, Adriana Brondani da; Schwartsmann, Gilberto (2002) [Artículo de periódico]
      Aqueous and organic extracts of Asteraceae (Compositae) collected from the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, have been tested in vitro for cytotoxic activity against human solid tumour cell lines. Twenty-five species, ...
    • In vitro differentiation of embryonic stem cells into cardiac-like and neuronal-like cells 

      Paz, Ana Helena da Rosa; Lugo, Ana Ilda Ayala; Terraciano, Paula Barros; Meurer, Luíse; Passos, Eduardo Pandolfi; Lima, Elizabeth Obino Cirne (2008) [Artículo de periódico]
      Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cell lines with the capacity of self-renewal and a broad differentiation plasticity. They are isolated from preimplantation embryos and can be cultured in vitro for long time without ...
    • In vitro effect of Acanthospermum australe (Asteraceae) extracts on Acanthamoeba polyphaga trophozoites 

      Castro, Luis Cesar de; Sauter, Ismael Pretto; Ethur, Eduardo Miranda; Kauffmann, Carla; Dall'Agnol, Rodrigo; Souza, J.; Cibulski, Samuel Paulo; Muniz, Aleksander Westphal; Weidlich, Luciana; Lohmann, Paula Michele; Roehe, Paulo Michel; Germani, Jose Carlos; Rott, Marilise Brittes; Van der Sand, Sueli Terezinha (2013) [Artículo de periódico]
      Acanthamoeba is a free-living protozoan widely distributed in the environment, occurring in vegetative trophozoite and resistance cyst stages during its life cycle. It constitutes an etiological agent of Acanthamoeba ...
    • In vitro effect of N-acetyl-L-cysteine on glutathione and sulfhydryl levels in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy patients 

      Marchetti, Desirèe Padilha; Donida, Bruna; Deon, Marion; Jacques, Carlos Eduardo Diaz; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Vargas, Carmen Regla (2017) [Artículo de periódico]
      Introduction: Recent evidence shows that oxidative stress seems to be related with the pathophysiology of X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), a neurodegenerative disorder. Methods: In the present study, the in vitro ...
    • In vitro fertilization and vasa previa : a report of two cases 

      Isotton, Ana Lúcia; Salazar, Cristiano Caetano; Peralta, Cleisson Fábio Andrioli; Abdalla, Juliana Moysés Leite; Vettorazzi, Janete (2019) [Artículo de periódico]
      Vasa previa (VP) is a dangerous obstetric condition associated with perinatal mortality and morbidity. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a risk factor for VP due to the high incidence of abnormal placentation. The diagnosis ...