Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Hydrogels containing redispersible spray-dried melatonin-loaded nanocapsules : a formulation for transdermal-controlled delivery 

      Hoffmeister, Cristiane Rodrigues Drago; Durli, Taís Lusa; Schaffazick, Scheila Rezende; Raffin, Renata Platcheck; Bender, Eduardo André; Beck, Ruy Carlos Ruver; Pohlmann, Adriana Raffin; Guterres, Silvia Stanisçuaski (2012) [Journal article]
      The aim of the present study was to develop a transdermal system for controlled delivery of melatonin combining three strategies: nanoencapsulation of melatonin, drying of melatonin-loaded nanocapsules, and incorporation ...
    • Perfil parasitológico de crianças de vilas periféricas de Porto Alegre, RS 

      Calil, Luciane Noal; Spalding, Silvia Maria; Sopelsa, Andreia Maria Ida; Raffin, Renata Platcheck; Silva, Katia Valenca Correia Leandro da; Ponte, Cynthia Isabel Ramos Vivas (2003) [Journal article]
      O trabalho propõe determinar o perfil epidemiológico de enteroparasitoses em crianças de 6 a 12 anos de núcleos da FEBEM (Fundação do Bem Estar do Menor) em vilas de Porto Alegre, RS, para auxiliar na prevenção destas ...
    • Study of flavonoids presente in Pomelo (Citrus máxima) by DSC, UV-VIS, IR, 1H and 13C NMR and MS 

      Cordenonsi, Leticia Malgarim; Sponchiado, Rafaela Martins; Campanharo, Sarah Chagas; Garcia, Cassia Virginia; Raffin, Renata Platcheck; Schapoval, Elfrides Eva Scherman (2017) [Journal article]
      Flavonoids are among the most important plant metabolites. Due to their potential benefits, there is a considerable interest in this natural product. In genus Citrus, some plants have not yet been much exploited in Brazil, ...