Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Context-dependence of race self-classification : results from a highly mixed and unequal middle-income country 

      Chor, Dora; Pereira, Alexandre; Pacheco, Antonio G.; Santos, Ricardo V.; Fonseca, Maria J. M.; Schmidt, Maria Inês; Duncan, Bruce Bartholow; Barreto, Sandhi Maria; Aquino, Estela Maria Motta Lima Leão de; Mill, José Geraldo; Molina, Maria Del Carmen Bisi; Giatti, Luana; Almeida, Maria da Conceição Chagas de; Benseñor, Isabela Judith Martins; Lotufo, Paulo Andrade (2019) [Journal article]
      Ethnic-racial classification criteria are widely recognized to vary according to historical, cultural and political contexts. In Brazil, the strong influence of individual socio-economic factors on race/colour self-classification ...