Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Avaliação de fatores associados ao diagnóstico de queimação bucal : um estudo preliminar 

      Scarabelot, Vanessa Leal; Gutierrez, Luiz Makito Osawa; Souza, Andressa de; Oliveira, Márcia Gaiger de; Chaves, Anna Cecília Moraes; Munerato, Maria Cristina; Hidalgo, Maria Paz Loayza; Caumo, Wolnei; Torres, Iraci Lucena da Silva (2011) [Journal article]
      Objetivo: avaliar fatores associados ao diagnóstico de ardência bucal, como xerostomia, hipossalivação, sintomas depressivos, ansiedade, transtornos de sono, doenças sistêmicas e uso contínuo de medicamentos. Métodos: foram ...
    • Changes in saliva protein profile throughout Rhipicephalus microplus blood feeding 

      Vaz Junior, Itabajara da Silva; Lu, Stephen; Pinto, Antonio Frederico Michel; Diedrich, Jolene K.; Yates III, John R.; Mulenga, Albert; Termignoni, Carlos; Ribeiro, José Marcos Chaves; Tirloni, Lucas (2024) [Journal article]
      Background: When feeding on a vertebrate host, ticks secrete saliva, which is a complex mixture of proteins, lipids, and other molecules. Tick saliva assists the vector in modulating host hemostasis, immunity, and tissue ...
    • Effects of diabetes and hypertension on oral mucosa and TGFβ1 salivary levels 

      Bernardi, Lisiane; Souza, Bárbara Capitanio de; Sonda, Nicole Canalli; Visioli, Fernanda; Rados, Pantelis Varvaki; Lamers, Marcelo Lazzaron (2018) [Journal article]
      The aim of this study was to investigate salivary levels of TGFβ1 and proliferation/ maturation of epithelial mucosa cells in diabetic and hypertensive patients. Design: in this cross-sectional study, whole stimulated ...
    • Factors associated to salivary flow alterations in dry mouth female patients 

      Scarabelot, Vanessa Leal; Munerato, Maria Cristina; Medeiros, Liciane Fernandes; Oliveira, Márcia Gaiger de; Chaves, Anna Cecília Moraes; Souza, Andressa de; Vercelino, Rafael; Caumo, Wolnei; Torres, Iraci Lucena da Silva (2014) [Journal article]
      BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Saliva plays an important role in oral health; it is involved in lubrication of the oral mucosa, protection against infections, transport of nutrients and digestive enzymes, remineralization of ...
    • Saliva de animais hematófagos : fonte de novos anticoagulantes 

      Ciprandi, Alessandra; Horn, Fabiana; Termignoni, Carlos (2003) [Journal article]
      Esta revisão tem como objetivo apresentar os anticoagulantes e inibidores da agregação plaquetária que foram encontrados em animais hematófagos. Esses animais precisam inibir as reações hemostáticas no local onde se alimentam ...
    • Salivary gland extract from Aedes aegypti improves survival in murine polymicrobial sepsis through oxidative mechanisms 

      Gomes, Rafaelli de Souza; Lima, Kely Campos Navegantes; Monteiro, Valter Vinícius Silva; Oliveira, Ana Lígia de Brito; Rodrigues, Dávila Valentina Silva; Reis, Jordano Ferreira; Gomes, Antonio Rafael Quadros; Prophiro, Josiane Somariva; Silva, Onilda Santos da; Romão, Pedro Roosevelt Torres; Estrada, Jorge Eduardo Chang; Monteiro, Marta Chagas (2018) [Journal article]
      Sepsis is a systemic disease with life-threatening potential and is characterized by a dysregulated immune response from the host to an infection. The organic dysfunction in sepsis is associated with the production of ...