Now showing items 1-20 of 30

    • Ancestral origin of the ATTCT repeat expansion in spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10) 

      Almeida, Teresa; Alonso, Isabel da Conceição Moreira Pereira; Martins, Sandra; Ramos, Eliana Marisa; Azevedo, Luísa; Ohno, Kinji; Amorim, Antonio; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Matsuura, Tohru; Sequeiros, Jorge; Silveira, Isabel (2009) [Journal article]
      Spinocerebellar ataxia type 10 (SCA10) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease characterized by cerebellar ataxia and seizures. The disease is caused by a large ATTCT repeat expansion in the ATXN10 gene. The ...
    • Clinical and biochemical findings in 7 patients with X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy treated with Lorenzo's oil 

      Vargas, Carmen Regla; Barschak, Alethea Gatto; Coelho, Daniela de Moura; Furlanetto, Vivian; Souza, Carolina Fischinger Moura de; Karam, Simone de Menezes; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Wajner, Moacir; Giugliani, Roberto (2000) [Journal article]
      A adrenoleucodistrofia ligada ao X (X-ALD) é uma desordem hereditária do metabolismo peroxissomal, bioquimicamente caracterizada pelo acúmulo de ácidos graxos de cadeia muito longa (‘very long chain fatty acids”- VLCFA) ...
    • Cockayne syndrome : report of a Brazilian family with confirmation of impaired RNA synthesis after UV-irradiation 

      Karam, Simone de Menezes; Costa, Jaderson Costa da; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Pires, Ricardo Flores; Lehmann, Alan R.; Giugliani, Roberto (2000) [Journal article]
      A síndrome de Cockayne (CS) é uma desordem autossômica recessiva caracterizada por nanismo, déficit de crescimento, deterioração neurológica, fotossensibilidade e uma progressiva aparência facial característica. Neste ...
    • Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) to Brazilian Portuguese 

      Maggi, Fernanda Aparecida; Braga Neto, Pedro; Fen, Chien Hsin; Gama, Maria Thereza Drumond; Rezende Filho, Flávio Moura; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Voos, Mariana Callil; Pedroso, José Luiz; Barsottini, Orlando Graziani Povoas (2018) [Journal article]
      Introduction: The clinical assessment of patients with ataxias requires reliable scales. We aimed to translate, adapt and validate the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) into Brazilian Portuguese. Methods: ...
    • Ct hypodensity on cerebral white matter in wilson's disease 

      Jardim, Laura Bannach; Carneiro, Anibal; Hansel, Suzana; Rieder, Carlos Roberto de Mello; Giugliani, Roberto (1991) [Journal article]
      A doença de Wilson é desordem autossômica recessiva do metabolismo do cobre, cujas manifestações sistêmicas são secundárias ao acúmulo de cobre nos tecidos, especialmente no fígado e no SNC. Neste, as lesões estruturais ...
    • Dierences in spontaneous speech fluency between Parkinson’s disease and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 

      Santos, Vanessa Brzoskowski dos; Ayres, Annelise; Kieling, Maiara Laís Mallmann; Miglorini, Elaine Cristina; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Schuh, Artur Francisco Schumacher; Rieder, Carlos Roberto de Mello; Castilhos, Raphael Machado de; Spencer, Kristie; Rothe-Neves, Rui; Olchik, Maira Rozenfeld (2023) [Journal article]
      Background: The basal ganglia and cerebellum both have a role in speech production although the eect of isolated involvement of these structures on speech fluency remains unclear. Objective: The study aimed to assess the ...
    • Uma experiência terapêutica no manejo da doença da urina do xarope do bordo 

      Jardim, Laura Bannach; Martins, Carlos; Pires, Ricardo Flores; Sanseverino, Maria Teresa Vieira; Refosco, Lilia Farret; Vieira, Rita de Cassia; Trotta, Eliana de Andrade; Vargas, Carmen Regla; Camargo Neto, Eurico; Giugliani, Roberto (1995) [Journal article]
      Relata-se aqui o manejo terapêutico realizado em um paciente portador da Doença da Urina do Xarope de Bordo, com diagnóstico e encaminhamento tardios (2 e 5 meses). Uma vez que o paciente apresentava níveis extremamente ...
    • Free carnitine and branched chain amino acids are not good biomarkers in Huntington’s disease 

      Castilhos, Raphael Machado de; Augustin, Marina Coutinho; Santos, José Augusto dos; Pedroso, José Luiz; Barsottini, Orlando Graziani Povoas; Saba, Roberta Arb; Ferraz, Henrique Ballalai; Vargas, Fernando Regla; Furtado, Gabriel Vasata; Bonatto, Márcia Polese; Rodrigues, Luiza Paulsen; Sena, Lucas Schenatto de; Vargas, Carmen Regla; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Centro de Pesquisa Clínica (2020) [Journal article]
      Background: Huntington’s disease (HD), caused by an expanded CAG repeat at HTT, has no treatment, and biomarkers are needed for future clinical trials. Objective: The objective of this study was to verify if free carnitine ...
    • Genetic counseling and presymptomatic testing programs for Machado-Joseph Disease : lessons from Brazil and Portugal 

      Faccini, Lavinia Schuler; Osorio, Claudio Maria da Silva; Ferreira, Flávia Romariz; Paneque, Milena; Sequeiros, Jorge; Jardim, Laura Bannach (2014) [Journal article]
      Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) is an autosomal dominant, late-onset neurological disorder and the most common form of spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) worldwide. Diagnostic genetic testing is available to detect the disease-causing ...
    • Genome-wide association study identifies genetic factors that modify age at onset in Machado-Joseph disease 

      Akçimen, Fulya; Martins, Sandra; Liao, Calwing; Bourassa, Cynthia V.; Catoire, Hélène; Nicholson, Garth A.; Riess, Olaf; Raposo, Mafalda; França Júnior, Marcondes Cavalcante; Vasconcelos, João; Lima, Manuela; Lopes-Cendes, Iscia Teresinha; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Sequeiros, Jorge; Dion, Patrick A.; Rouleau, Guy A. (2020) [Journal article]
      Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3) is the most common form of dominantly inherited ataxia worldwide. The disorder is caused by an expanded CAG repeat in the ATXN3 gene. Past studies have revealed that the length of the ...
    • Genomic analysis of Brazilian patients with fabry disease 

      Pereira, Fernanda dos Santos; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Netto, Cristina Brinckmann Oliveira; Burin, Maira Graeff; Cecchin, Cláudia Rafaela; Giugliani, Roberto; Matte, Ursula da Silveira (2007) [Journal article]
      Fabry disease is an X-linked lysosomal disorder due to α-galactosidase A deficiency that causes storage of globotriaosylceramide. The gene coding for this lysosomal enzyme is located on the long arm of the X chromosome, ...
    • Information and diagnosis networks : tools to improve diagnosis and treatment for patients with rare genetic diseases 

      Vieira, Taiane Alves; Trapp, Franciele Barbosa; Souza, Carolina Fischinger Moura de; Faccini, Lavinia Schuler; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Schwartz, Ida Vanessa Doederlein; Riegel, Mariluce; Vargas, Carmen Regla; Burin, Maira Graeff; Leistner-Segal, Sandra; Prolla, Patrícia Ashton; Giugliani, Roberto (2019) [Journal article]
      Brazil is a country of continental dimensions and most genetic services are concentrated in the Southeast and South, including the Medical Genetics Service of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (MGS/HCPA). As many ...
    • Machado-Joseph disease enhances genetic fitness : a comparison between affected and unaffected women and between MJD and the general population 

      Prestes, Priscilla Ribeiro; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Silveira, I.; Sequeiros, Jorge; Jardim, Laura Bannach (2008) [Journal article]
      Background: Machado-Joseph disease (MJD SCA3), a spinocerebellar ataxia related to expansion of a CAG tract, has already been related to anticipation and meiotic drift. However, fitness of MJD carriers has been little ...
    • Minimal prevalence of Huntington's disease in the South of Brazil and instability of the expanded CAG tract during intergenerational transmissions 

      Castilhos, Raphael Machado de; Santos, José Augusto dos; Augustin, Marina Coutinho; Pedroso, José Luiz; Barsottini, Orlando Graziani Povoas; Saba, Roberta Arb; Ferraz, Henrique Ballalai; Godeiro Júnior, Clécio de Oliveira; Vargas, Fernando Regla; Salarini, Diego Zanotti; Furtado, Gabriel Vasata; Bonatto, Márcia Polese; Rodrigues, Luiza Paulsen; Sena, Lucas Schenatto de; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Centro de Pesquisa Clínica (2019) [Journal article]
      Huntington’s disease (HD) is due to dominant expansions of the CAG repeat of the HTT gene. Meiotic instability of the (CAG)n might impact the disorder frequency. We report on HD minimal prevalence in Rio Grande do Sul (RS) ...
    • A model for the dynamics of expanded CAG repeat alleles : ATXN2 and ATXN3 as prototypes 

      Sena, Lucas Schenatto de; Lemes, Renan Barbosa; Furtado, Gabriel Vasata; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Jardim, Laura Bannach (2023) [Journal article]
      Background: Spinocerebellar ataxia types 2 (SCA2) and 3 (SCA3/MJD) are diseases due to dominant unstable expansions of CAG repeats (CAGexp). Age of onset of symptoms (AO) correlates with the CAGexp length. Repeat instability ...
    • Mucopolysaccharidosis I, II, and VI : brief review and guidelines for treatment 

      Giugliani, Roberto; Federhen, Andressa; Munõz Rojas, Maria Verônica; Vieira, Taiane Alves; Artigalas, Osvaldo Alfonso Pinto; Pinto, Louise Lapagesse de Camargo; Azevedo, Ana Cecília Medeiros Mano; Acosta, Angelina Xavier; Bonfim, Carmem Maria Sales; Lourenço, Charles Marques; Kim, Chong Ae; Horovitz, Dafne Dain Gandelman; Bonfim, Denize; Norato, Denise Y.J.; Marinho, Diane Ruschel; Palhares, Durval; Santos, Emerson Santana; Ribeiro, Erlane Marques; Valadares, Eugênia Ribeiro; Guarany, Fábio Coelho; Lucca, Gisele Rosone de; Pimentel, Helena; Souza, Isabel Neves de; Corrêa Neto, Jordão; Fraga, José Carlos Soares de; Góes, José Eduardo Coutinho; Cabral, José Maria; Simionato, José; Llerena Junior, Juan Clinton; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Giuliani, Liane de Rosso; Silva, Luiz Carlos Santana da; Santos, Mara Lúcia Ferreira; Moreira, Maria Ângela Fontoura; Kerstenetzky, Marcelo; Ribeiro, Márcia Gonçalves; Ruas, Nicole; Barrios, Patricia Martins Moura; Aranda, Paulo Cesar; Honjo, Raquel S.; Boy, Raquel; Costa, Ronaldo David da; Souza, Carolina Fischinger Moura de; Alcântara, Flavio F.; Avilla, Sylvio Gilberto A.; Fagondes, Simone Chaves; Martins, Ana Maria (Medicina) (2010) [Journal article]
      Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are rare genetic diseases caused by the deficiency of one of the lysosomal enzymes involved in the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) breakdown pathway. This metabolic block leads to the accumulation of ...
    • Neurological impairment among heterozygote women for X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy : a case control study on a clinical, neurophysiological and biochemical characteristics 

      Habekost, Clarissa Troller; Schestatsky, Pedro; Torres, Vitor Félix; Coelho, Daniella de Moura; Vargas, Carmen Regla; Torrez, Vitor Rocco; Oses, Jean Pierre; Portela, Luis Valmor Cruz; Pereira, Fernanda dos Santos; Matte, Ursula da Silveira; Jardim, Laura Bannach (2014) [Journal article]
      Background: Neurologic impairments in female heterozygotes for X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) are poorly understood. Our aims were to describe the neurological and neurophysiological manifestations of a cohort of ...
    • Normal ATXN3 allele but not CHIP polymorphisms modulates age at onset in Machado–Joseph disease 

      França Júnior, Marcondes Cavalcante; Emmel, Vanessa Erichsen; D'Abreu, Anelyssa Cysne Frota; Morelli, Cláudia Vianna Maurer; Secolin, Rodrigo; Bonadia, Luciana Cardoso; Silva, Marilza Santos; Nucci, Anamarli; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Marques Júnior, Wilson; Paulson, Henry L.; Lopes-Cendes, Iscia Teresinha (2012) [Journal article]
      Background: Age at onset (AO) in Machado–Joseph disease (MJD) is closely associated with the length of the CAG repeat at the mutant ATXN3 allele, but there are other intervening factors. Experimental evidence indicates ...
    • Novel Machado-Joseph disease-modifying genes and pathways identified by whole-exome sequencing 

      Raposo, Mafalda; Bettencourt, Conceição; Melo, Ana Rosa Vieira; Ferreira, Ana F.; Alonso, Isabel da Conceição Moreira Pereira; Silva, Paulo; Vasconcelos, João; Kay, Teresa; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Costa, Marta Daniela; Vilasboas Campos, Daniela; Bettencourt, Bruno Filipe; Bruges-Armas, Jácome; Houlden, Henry H.; Heutink, Peter; Jardim, Laura Bannach; Sequeiros, Jorge; Maciel, Patrícia; Lima, Manuela (2022) [Journal article]
      Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3) is a neurodegenerative polyglutamine disorder exhibiting a wide spectrum of phenotypes. The abnormal size of the (CAG)n at ATXN3 explains ~55% of the age at onset variance, suggesting the ...
    • Occupational therapy in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 : an open-label trial 

      Silva, Renata Cristina Rocha da; Saute, Jonas Alex Morales; Silva, Andrew Chaves Feitosa da; Coutinho, Ana Carolina de Oliveira; Pereira, Maria Luiza Saraiva; Jardim, Laura Bannach (2010) [Journal article]
      Occupational therapy (OT) is a profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation, by enabling handicapped people to participate in the activities of everyday life. OT is part of the clinical ...