• Late hyaluronidase injection in local anesthesia : morphofunctional evaluation in rat sciatic nerve block 

      Horliana, Anna Carolina Ratto Tempestini; Lamers, Marcelo Lazzaron; Yonamine, Mauricio; Viera, Patricia Verónica Aulestia; Santos, Marinilce Fagundes dos; Borsatti, Maria Aparecida (2019) [Artigo de periódico]
      Introduction: Despite the enhancing effects of hyaluronidase (HYAL) over duration of anesthesia, this enzyme could cause adverse effects when injected concomitantly with local anesthetics in dental blocks. Objective: This ...
    • l Diretriz brasileira sobre prevenção de doenças cardiovasculares em mulheres climatéricas e a influência da terapia de reposição hormonal (TRH) da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC) e da Associação Brasileira do Climatério (SOBRAC) 

      Fernandes, César Eduardo; Pinho Neto, José Sabino de Lima; Gebara, Otávio Celso Eluf; Santos Filho, Raul Dias dos; Pinto Neto, Aarão Mendes; Pereira Filho, Alberto Soares; Athayde, Amanda Valéria Luna de; Sposito, Andrei Carvalho; Ferrari, Antônio Eugênio Motta; Albergaria, Ben-Hur; Silva, Célia Regina da; Arruda, Claudiane Garcia de; Stephan, Cristina; Nahas, Eliana Aguiar Petri; Pellini, Eliano Arnaldo José; Alexandre, Elisabeth Regina Giunco; Coutinho, Elsimar Metzket; Porto, Everaldo; Lima, Geraldo Rodrigues de; Andrade, Ivis Alberto Lourenço Bezerra de; Ferreira, José Arnaldo de Souza; Lima, José Carlos de; Albrighi, José Mendes; Machado, Lucas Viana; Azevedo, Lúcia Helena de; Pompei, Luciano de Melo; Bertolami, Marcelo Chiara; Steiner, Marcelo Luis; Albernaz, Marco Aurélio; Sá, Marcos Felipe Silva de; Wender, Maria Celeste Osório; Melo, Nilson Roberto de; Spritzer, Poli Mara; Strufaldi, Rodolfo; Machado, Rogério Bonassi; Bossemeyer, Ronald Perret; Costa, Rosaly Rulli; Peixoto, Sérgio; Carvalho, Valéria Bezerra de (2008) [Artigo de periódico]
    • Leaf anatomy of Araucaria angustifolia(Bertol.) Kuntze (Araucariaceae) 

      Mastroberti, Alexandra Antunes (2003) [Artigo de periódico]
      Immature and mature leaves of juvenile and adult plants of Araucaria angustifolia (Araucariaceae) were observed with the objective of updating the morphoanatomical data of the leaves of this species, which were restricted ...
    • Lean mass and associated factors in women with PCOS with different phenotypes 

      Fighera, Tayane Muniz; Santos, Betânia Rodrigues dos; Spritzer, Poli Mara (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      Although current evidence suggests increased risk of obesity, insulin resistance, and meta- bolic alterations in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), especially of a hyperan- drogenic phenotype, the impact of ...
    • LEI0258 microsatellite variability and its relationship to B-F haplotypes in Brazilian (blue-egg Caipira) chickens 

      Lima-Rosa, Carlos A. V.; Canal, Cláudio Wageck; Fallavena, Paulo Roberto Vargas; Freitas, Loreta Brandão de; Salzano, Francisco Mauro (2005) [Artigo de periódico]
      A total of 149 chickens from two different sources (one non-commercial, the other commercial) was tested for variability of the LEI0258 microsatellite. Fifty- three genotypes, explainable by 15 alleles, were found. There ...
    • Leprosy in southern Brazil : a twenty-year epidemiological profile 

      Nazario, Ana Paula; Ferreira, Jair; Faccini, Lavinia Schuler; Fiegenbaum, Marilu; Artigalas, Osvaldo Alfonso Pinto; Vianna, Fernanda Sales Luiz (2017) [Artigo de periódico]
      Introduction: This study evaluated leprosy rates in Rio Grande do Sul, an area with a historically low prevalence. However, recent studies are lacking. Methods: Data extracted from a National Database were analyzed for ...
    • Leptin and adiponectin in the female life course 

      Lecke, Sheila Bünecker; Morsch, Debora Martinho; Spritzer, Poli Mara (2011) [Artigo de periódico]
      Adipose tissue secretes a variety of adipokines, including leptin and adiponectin, which are involved in endocrine processes regulating glucose and fatty metabolism, energy expenditure, inflammatory response, immunity, ...
    • Leptin receptor co-expression gene network moderates the effect of early life adversity on eating behavior in children 

      Lima, Randriely Merscher Sobreira de; Barth, Bárbara; Arcego, Danusa Mar; Mendonça Filho, Euclides José de; Patel, Sachin; Wang, Zihan; Pokhvisneva, Irina; Parent, Carine I.; Levitan, Robert D.; Kobor, Michael S.; Bittencourt, Ana Paula Santana de Vasconcellos; Meaney, Michael J.; Dalmaz, Carla; Silveira, Patrícia Pelufo (2022) [Artigo de periódico]
      Leptin influences eating behavior. Exposure to early adversity is associated with eating behaviour disorders and metabolic syndrome, but the role of the leptin receptor on this relationship is poorly explored. We investigated ...
    • Lesion of the subthalamic nucleus reverses motor deficits but not death of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons in a rat 6-hydroxydopamine-lesion model of Parkinson's disease 

      Rizélio, Vanessa; Szawka, Raphael Escorsim; Xavier, Leder Leal; Achaval-Elena, Matilde; Soster, Paula Rigon da Luz; Saur, Lisiani; Matheussi, Francesca; Delattre, Ana Márcia; Franci, Janete Aparecida Anselmo; Meneses, Murilo Sousa de; Ferraz, Anete Curte (2010) [Artigo de periódico]
      The objective of the present study was to determine whether lesion of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) promoted by N-methyl- D-aspartate (NMDA) would rescue nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons after unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine ...
    • Lesões de cárie proximais na dentição decídua : freqüência de lesões homólogas 

      Mariath, Adriela Azevedo Souza; Bressani, Ana Eliza Lemes; Pitoni, Carla Moreira; Fossati, Anna Christina Medeiros; Araujo, Fernando Borba de (2006) [Artigo de periódico]
      O objetivo deste estudo transversal observacional foi avaliar a experiência de cárie na superfície proximal de molares decíduos quanto à ocorrência de comportamento bilateral e ao envolvimento de superfícies adjacentes. A ...
    • Leukocyte imbalances in Mucopolysaccharidoses patients 

      Lopes, Nuno; Maia, Maria L.; Pereira, Catia S.; Rodrigues, Inês Mondragão; Martins, Esmeralda; Ribeiro, Rosa; Gaspar, Ana; Aguiar, Patrício; Garcia, Paula; Cardoso, Maria Teresa; Rodrigues, Esmeralda; Teles, Elisa Leão; Giugliani, Roberto; Coutinho, Maria F.; Alves, Sandra; Macedo, Maria de Fátima Matos Almeida Henriques de (2023) [Artigo de periódico]
      Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are rare inherited lysosomal storage diseases (LSDs) caused by deficient activity in one of the enzymes responsible for glycosaminoglycans lysosomal degradation. MPS II is caused by pathogenic ...
    • Levantamento de áreas prioritárias para a conservação da Floresta Nacional de São Francisco de Paula (RS, Brasil) e seu entorno 

      Dobrovolski, Ricardo; Both, Rogério; Coelho, Igor Pfeifer; Stolz, José Francisco Bonini; Schüssler, Glauco; Rodrigues, Gilberto Gonçalves; Guerra, Teresinha; Hartz, Sandra Maria (2006) [Artigo de periódico]
    • Levantamento do uso de medicamentos por estudantes do ensino médio em duas escolas de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil 

      Almeida, Claudia Rejane Chiarel; Souza, Diogo Onofre Gomes de; Ferreira, Maria Beatriz Cardoso; Wofchuk, Susana Tchernin (2012) [Artigo de periódico]
      Estudo observacional foi realizado com estudantes de duas escolas de Ensino Médio, na cidade de Porto Alegre, RS (Brasil). Os dados foram obtidos por meio de questionário objetivo em sala de aula, após autorização da ...
    • Life cycle assessment of beef cattle production in two typical grassland systems of southern Brazil 

      Dick, Milene; Silva, Marcelo Abreu da; Dewes, Homero (2015) [Artigo de periódico]
      The importance of animal production in the overall context of human activity is undisputed and influences food supply, job security, income producing, as well as landscape and local ecosystems conservation. This relevance ...
    • Life history of the Gall-Maker Eugeniamyia dispar Maia, Mendonça-Jr. & Romanowski, 1996 (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) 

      Mendonça Junior, Milton de Souza; Romanowski, Helena Piccoli (2002) [Artigo de periódico]
      The development of the galls of the midge Eugeniamyia dispar Maia, Mendonça-Jr. & Romanowski, 1996 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) was monitored weekly on its host plant, Eugenia uniflora (Myrtaceae). The work was carried out in ...
    • Life-history of the South American darter, Characidium pterostictum (Crenuchidae) : evidence for small scale spatial variation in a piedmont stream 

      Becker, Fernando Gertum; Carvalho, Silene de; Hartz, Sandra Maria (2008) [Artigo de periódico]
      Este estudo compara a estrutura populacional e a reprodução do pequeno caraciforme, Characidium pterostictum, amostrado em locais sujeitos a diferentes efeitos de perturbações hidrológicas naturais (enxurradas). Os dados ...
    • Lifelong exposure to a low-dose of the glyphosate-based herbicide RoundUp® causes intestinal damage, gut dysbiosis, and behavioral changes in mice 

      Del Castilo, Ingrid; Neumann, Arthur da Silva; Lemos, Felipe Simões; De Bastiani, Marco Antônio; Oliveira, Felipe Leite de; Zimmer, Eduardo Rigon; Rêgo, Amanda M.; Hardoim, Cristiane Cassiolato Pires; Antunes, Luís Carlos Moreira; Lara, Flávio Alves; Figueiredo, Claudia P.; Clarke, Julia Helena Rosauro (2022) [Artigo de periódico]
      RoundUp® (RUp) is a comercial formulation containing glyphosate (N-(phosphono-methyl) glycine), and is the world’s leading wide-spectrum herbicide used in agriculture. Supporters of the broad use of glyphosate-based ...
    • Liming as a means of reducing copper toxicity in black oats 

      Comin, Jucinei José; Ambrosini, Vítor Gabriel; Rosa, Daniel Jose; Basso, Alex; Loss, Arcângelo; Melo, George Wellington Bastos de; Lovato, Paulo Emilio; Lourenzi, Cledimar; Ricachenevsky, Felipe Klein; Brunetto, Gustavo (2018) [Artigo de periódico]
      Soils which are cultivated with grapevines have high available copper (Cu) content, which can be toxic to cover crops cohabiting vineyards, such as black oats. This study aimed to assess the effect of liming in reducing ...
    • Linking dopamine neurotransmission and neurogenesis: the evolutionary history of the NTAD (NCAM1-TTC12-ANKK1-DRD2) gene cluster 

      Mota, Nina Roth; Araújo Júnior, Eli Vieira; Paixão Côrtes, Vanessa Rodrigues; Bortolini, Maria Cátira; Bau, Claiton Henrique Dotto (2012) [Artigo de periódico]
      Genetic studies have long suggested the important role of theDRD2 gene in psychiatric disorders and behavior. Further research has shown a conjoined effect of genes in the Chr11q22-23 region, which includes theNCAM1, TTC12, ...
    • Lipases produced by yeasts : powerful biocatalysts for industrial purposes 

      Lock, Luiza Lux; Corbellini, Valeriano Antonio; Silva, Patrícia Valente da (2007) [Artigo de periódico]
      The term “lipolytic enzymes” refers to the lipases and carboxylic ester hydrolases. Lipase production is widespread among yeasts, but few are capable of producing lipases with interesting characteristics and in sufficient ...