Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Embriões de pacu submetidos a diferentes protocolos de resfriamento 

      Streit Júnior, Danilo Pedro; Digmayer, Melanie; Ribeiro, Ricardo Pereira; Sirol, Rodolfo Nardez; Moraes, Gentil Vanini de; Galo, Juliana Minardi (2007) [Journal article]
      O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a taxa de eclosão de larvas de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), após o resfriamento dos embriões a -8oC durante seis horas, utilizando soluções crioprotetoras, para obter um protocolo ...
    • Oocyte quality of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) during the reproductive season 

      Galo, Juliana Minardi; Ribeiro, Ricardo Pereira; Streit Júnior, Danilo Pedro; Albuquerque, Daniele Menezes; Fornari, Darci Carlos; Roma, C.F.C.; Guerreiro, Luis Ricardo Jayme (2015) [Journal article]
      The study aimed to analyze the Colossoma macropomum reproductive behavior and quality of the female gametes throughout the reproductive season. The experiment was carried out in Pimenta Bueno - Rondônia State (Northern ...
    • Quality of fresh and cryopreserved semen and their influence on the rates of fertilization, hatching and quality of the larvae of Piaractus mesopotamicus 

      Galo, Juliana Minardi; Streit Júnior, Danilo Pedro; Oliveira, Carlos Antonio Lopes de; Povh, Jayme Aparecido; Fornari, Darci Carlos; Digmayer, Melanie; Ribeiro, Ricardo Pereira (2018) [Journal article]
      In this work, the seminal parameters of P. mesopotamicus were evaluated fresh and after cryopreservation, focusing on the sperm variables that affect the rates of fertilization, hatching and post-hatching parameters such ...
    • Spermatic abnormalities of piracanjuba Brycon orbignyanus (Valenciennes, 1849) after cryopreservation 

      Galo, Juliana Minardi; Streit Júnior, Danilo Pedro; Sirol, Rodolfo Nardez; Ribeiro, Ricardo Pereira; Digmayer, Melanie; Andrade, V.X.L.; Ebert, André Ricardo (2011) [Journal article]
      O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a presença de anormalidades espermáticas no sêmen de Brycon orbignyanus após a criopreservação. Dez machos com quatro anos de idade e que apresentavam características reprodutivas ...
    • Sperm quality of the Amazon catfish Leiarius marmoratus (Gill, 1870) after cold storage 

      Galo, Juliana Minardi; Streit Júnior, Danilo Pedro; Povh, Jayme Aparecido; Fornari, Darci Carlos; Resende, Emiko Kawakami de; Oliveira, Diego de; Ribeiro, Ricardo Pereira (2014) [Journal article]
      This study aimed at assessing the sperm quality of the Amazon catfish, Leiarius marmoratus ¸ after refrigeration without extenders. After capturing the animals and stripping of semen, the following parameters were analyzed: ...
    • Viability of dourado embryos cooled in different cryoprotectant solutions 

      Fornari, Darci Carlos; Streit Júnior, Danilo Pedro; Galo, Juliana Minardi; Guerreiro, Luis Ricardo Jayme; Povh, Jayme Aparecido; Barrero, Nelson Maurício Lopera; Oliveira, Diego de; Ribeiro, Ricardo Pereira (2013) [Journal article]
      The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of different cryoprotectants on the viability of dourado (Salminus brasiliensis) embryos. Ten cryoprotectant solutions were tested. For each solution, 300 embryos were ...