Now showing items 3911-3926 of 3926

    • Water disappearance dynamics in growing-finishing pig production 

      Chimainski, Michael; Ceron, Marcos Speroni; Kuhn, Micheli Faccin; Muniz, Henrique da Costa Mendes; Rocha, Leonardo Tombesi da; Pacheco, Paulo Santana; Kessler, Alexandre de Mello; Oliveira, Vladimir de (2019) [Journal article]
      The objective of this study was to measure the water disappearance in the drinker and the pattern of daily water intake and estimate the amount of water wasted in pig production. The study will also generate information ...
    • Water erosion under simulated rainfall in different soil management systems during soybean growth 

      Engel, Fernando Luis; Bertol, Ildegardis; Mafra, Álvaro Luiz; Cogo, Neroli Pedro (2007) [Journal article]
      O manejo do solo influencia a cobertura superficial pelo resíduo cultural e, juntamente com a cobertura do solo pela copa das plantas, afeta a erosao hídrica. O objetivo do estudo foi quantificar as perdas de água e solo ...
    • Water saturation stress in Mimosa scabrella seedlings 

      Avrella, Eduarda Demari; Weber, João Miguel; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2019) [Journal article]
      The stress caused by water saturation has negative consequences for plants. The search for species tolerant to flooded soils can make feasible the use of areas with these characteristics. The objective of this study was ...
    • Weed genomics : yielding insights into the genetics of weedy traits for crop improvement 

      Huang, Yujie; Wu, Dongya; Huang, Zhaofeng; Li, Xiangyu; Merotto Junior, Aldo; Bai, Lianyang; Fan, Longjiang (2023) [Journal article]
      Weeds cause tremendous economic and ecological damage worldwide. The number of genomes established for weed species has sharply increased during the recent decade, with some 26 weed species having been sequenced and de ...
    • Wheat root growth as affected by soil strength 

      Merotto Junior, Aldo; Mundstock, Claudio Mario (1999) [Journal article]
      Soil compaction is a common problem that affects several soil properties and plant growth. In order to assess the effects of soil strength expressed by its mechanical resistance on roots, a growth chamber experiment was ...
    • Why controlling ticks is important 

      Waldman, Jéssica; Rodríguez Durán, Arlex; Ullah, Shafi; Numan, Muhammad; Parizi, Luis Fernando; Tirloni, Lucas; Ali, Abid; Logullo, Carlos; Vaz Junior, Itabajara da Silva (2024) [Journal article]
      Learning about ticks is important because of the diseases and problems they can cause in people and animals. Ticks are related to spiders and are not insects—they are parasites that live outside their host‘s body and infest ...
    • Wild animals housed at the IBAMA triage center in Southern Brazil, 2005-2021 : a glimpse into the endless conflicts between man and other animals 

      Cruz, Claudio Estevao Farias da; Soares, Camila Eloine da Silva; Hirt, Gustavo Bonamigo; Wagner, Paulo Guilherme Carniel; Andretta, Ines; Castro Neto, Walter de Nisa e (2022) [Journal article]
      Spurred on by the illegal billion-dollar revenue, the capture and trade of wild fauna remain the leading illegal activities in Brazil, and elsewhere. We present and discuss insights into the wild animals housed at the Wild ...
    • Wild strawberries (Rubus rosifolius Sm.) from southern Brazil : centesimal and mineral composition, total polyphenols, antioxidant, antibacterial and antihypertensive activities 

      Biondo, Elaine; Correa, Ana Paula Folmer; Brandelli, Adriano; Sant'Anna, Voltaire (2021) [Journal article]
      The objective of the present work was to evaluate polyphenols, trace elements and compounds with antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-hypertensive activity in wild strawberries cultivated in Southern Brazil. Fruits present ...
    • Wischnewsky spots in cases of fatal hypothermia in cattle 

      Souza, Larissa Lobeiro de; Guizelini, Carolina de Castro; Almeida, Bruno Albuquerque de; Silva, Thaisa Xavier e; Lima, Acauane Sehnem; Carvalho, Vitor Fernandes; Driemeier, David; Lemos, Ricardo Antonio Amaral de (2024) [Journal article]
      Wischnewsky spots (WS) are hemorrhagic, non-erosive, and non-ulcerative lesions that affect the gastric mucosa. They are considered common in the stomachs of humans who have died from hypothermia and are rarely described ...
    • Wood annual average increment and K, Ca and Mg mineral compartments in soils cultivated with eucalypt 

      Amaral, Francisco Hélcio Canuto; Araújo, Elias Frank de; Furtini Neto, Antônio Eduardo; Inda Junior, Alberto Vasconcellos; Mancini, Marcelo; Curi, Nilton (2021) [Journal article]
      Forestry continuously grows in Brazil and it increases the concerns among planted forest companies regarding sustainable production. Knowledge about soil mineral reserves and nutrient release kinetics may introduce an ...
    • Wooden breast and white striping : comparative occurrence in three poultry companies 

      Teixeira, Sabrina Tolotti Fraga; Jaenisch, Fátima Regina F.; Peixoto, Jane O.; Coldebella, Arlei; Borges, Karen Apellanis; Furian, Thales Quedi; Dickel, Elci L.; Santos, Luciana Ruschel dos (2021) [Journal article]
      To increase the amount of meat produced, researchers have promoted intensive genetic selection for growth rate and muscling and have improved nutrition and management conditions. However, there has been an increase in the ...
    • Yacon inulin leaching during hot water blanching 

      Scher, Caroline Fenner; Brandelli, Adriano; Noreña, Caciano Pelayo Zapata (2015) [Journal article]
      Yacon roots contain inulin, which has prebiotic properties and it may be used as sucrose or fat substitutes. However, inulin is very soluble in water. The loss of this important nutrient during blanching is caused mainly ...
    • Yield and carcass composition of broilers fed with diets based on the concept of crude protein or ideal protein 

      Toledo, Geni Salete Pinto de; Lopez, Jorge; Costa, P.T.C. (2004) [Journal article]
      Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of diets formulated using the criteria of crude protein (CP) and ideal protein (IP) on the yield and carcass composition of male and female broilers. Birds of two ...
    • Yield and profitability of flooded rice genotypes in relation to nitrogen doses and phosphorus and potassium application 

      Lima, Gustavo Gomes; Pias, Osmar Henrique de Castro; Martins, Amanda Posselt; Tiecher, Tales; Carmona, Felipe de Campos (2020) [Journal article]
      The use of hybrid genotypes is a good alternative for increasing the flooded rice yield. However, there is a need for validation of the fertilizer management under different edaphoclimatic conditions and its greater ...
    • Zoonoses parasitárias que acometem primatas não humanos do gênero Alouatta nas regiões brasileiras : revisão sistemática no período de 2010-2021 

      Moura, Vandrielle Soares; Mattos, Mary Jane Tweedie de (2022) [Journal article]
      Os primatas não humanos podem ser reservatórios e portadores de doenças transmitidas aos seres humanos. O objetivo do trabalho foi realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sistemática sobre as parasitoses com potencial zoonótico ...
    • Zoosporogênese in vitro entre isolados do oomiceto Pythium insidiosum 

      Pereira, Daniela Isabel Brayer; Santúrio, Jânio Morais; Alves, Sydney Hartz; Argenta, Juliana Siqueira; Cavalheiro, Ayrton Sydnei; Ferreiro, Laerte (2008) [Journal article]
      Pythium insidiosum é um oomiceto aquático, responsável pela etiologia da pitiose, uma enfermidade crônica, observada freqüentemente em eqüinos. A produção de zoósporos móveis por este microrganismo se constitui no fator ...