Now showing items 2251-2270 of 3925

    • Jürgen Döbereiner : a life dedicated to science 

      Dutra, Iveraldo dos Santos; Colling, Axel; Driemeier, David; Brito, Marilene de Farias; Ubiali, Daniel G.; Schild, Ana Lucia; Riet-Correa, Franklin; Barros, Cláudio Severo Lombardo (2019) [Journal article]
      Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner was born in Germany, on the 1st of November 1923, and lived in Brazil for 68 years during which time he developed a range of scientific projects in veterinary pathology and related disciplines. His ...
    • Karyotype morphology and evolution in some Lathyrus (Fabaceae) species of southern Brazil 

      Klamt, Adriane; Schifino-Wittmann, Maria Teresa (2000) [Journal article]
      Os cariótipos de Lathyrus nervosus Lam., L. pubescens Hook. et Arn., L. paranensis Burk. e L. crassipes Gill ap. Hook et Arn., quatro espécies de Lathyrus nativas do Rio Grande do Sul, são detalhadamente descritos pela ...
    • Keratinolytic bacteria isolated from feather waste 

      Riffel, Alessandro; Brandelli, Adriano (2006) [Journal article]
      The aim of this study was to characterize keratinolytic bacteria isolated from feather waste. Four isolates were selected after growth on solid medium with feather meal as sole carbon and nitrogen source and screened for ...
    • Kernicterus in an adult dog 

      Sonne, Luciana; Raymundo, Djeison Lutier; Cecco, Bianca Santana de; Santos, Adriana da Silva; Pescador, Caroline Argenta; Oliveira, Eduardo Conceição de; Driemeier, David (2018) [Journal article]
      Background: Kernicterus or bilirubin encephalopathy is a condition rarely observed in animal characterized by a yellowish discoloration of the central nervous system. It is a potentially fatal condition due to bilirubin ...
    • Kinetics of Leptospira interrogans Infection in Hamsters after Intradermal and Subcutaneous Challenge 

      Coutinho, Mariana Loner; Matsunaga, James; Wang, Long Chieh; Moctezuma, Alejandro de la Penã; Lewis, Michael J.; Babbitt Jane T.; Aleixo, José Antônio Guimarães; Haak, David A. (2014) [Journal article]
    • Land disposal potential of tobacco processing residues 

      Tedesco, Marino Jose; Lauschner, Marcio Henrique; Gianello, Clesio; Bortolon, Leandro; Kray, Claudio Henrique (2011) [Journal article]
      Brazil is one of the leaders in the production and trading of tobacco leaves in the global market, which results in a large amount of residues that would be recycled and used as soil fertilizers in agriculture. This research ...
    • Landscape genomic approach to detect selection signatures in locally adapted Brazilian swine genetic groups 

      Cesconeto, Robson José; Joost, Stéphane; Pimentel, Concepta Margaret McManus; Paiva, Samuel Rezende; Cobuci, Jaime Araújo; Braccini Neto, José (2017) [Journal article]
    • Land use and soil quality in peri-urban farms in Southern Brazil 

      Cassimo, Agi Costa; Nascimento, Paulo Cesar do; Lima, Patrícia Lima de; Tornquist, Carlos Gustavo; Bissani, Carlos Alberto; Silva, Magnolia Aparecida Silva da (2021) [Journal article]
      Small family farms constitute a major part of land use in the surrounding regions of Braziliancities, as these farms not only contribute to the food supply, but also help conserve rural landscapes and improve environmental ...
    • Land-use intensification trends in the rio de La Plata region of South America : toward specialization or recoupling crop and livestock production 

      Carvalho, Paulo Cesar de Faccio; Savian, Jean Victor; Della Chiesa, Tomas; Souza Filho, William de; Terra, José Alfredo; Pinto, Priscila; Martins, Amanda Posselt; Villarino, Sebastian; Trindade, Júlio Kuhn da; Nunes, Pedro Arthur de Albuquerque; Piñeiro, Gervasio (2021) [Journal article]
      The Rio de la Plata region comprises central Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil. Modern agriculture developed around 1900 with recent decades being characterized by the advance of cropping areas over native grasslands. ...
    • Laparoscopia nas hérnias diafragmáticas : estudo experimental em cães. 

      Beck, Carlos Afonso de Castro; Pippi, Ney Luis; Brun, Maurício Veloso; Contesini, Emerson Antônio; Cunha, Anderson Favero; Stedile, Rafael; Bonfada, Adamas Tassinari; Silva Filho, Antônio de Pádua Ferreira da; Vieira Junior, Antônio Roberto Pinheiro; Silva, Thiago Félix; Bordin, A.I. (2004) [Journal article]
      A hérnia diafragmática traumática é a forma mais comum entre as hérnias diafragmáticas em cães e gatos e, por tratar-se de uma alteração anatômica, a terapêutica indicada é a sua correção cirúrgica. O presente estudo se ...
    • Laparoscopic-assisted prepubic urethrostomy : experimental model in rabbit 

      Queiroga, Luciana Branquinho; Lopes, Lucila Maria de Almeida; Gianotti, Giordano Cabral; Scherer, Simone; Alievi, Marcelo Meller; Beck, Carlos Afonso de Castro (2018) [Journal article]
      The purpose of this study was to develop a laparoscopic-assisted prepubic urethorstomy (PPU) technique using rabbits as an experimental model. Six male New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) over six months old and ...
    • Laparoscopic paracostal herniorrhaphy in a dog: case report 

      Trindade, A.B.; Basso, Paula Cristina; Gonçalves, M. C.; Lima, Gabriel Amaral; Gerardi, Daniel Guimarães; Beck, Carlos Afonso de Castro; Contesini, Emerson Antônio; Brun, Marcelo Veloso (2013) [Journal article]
      Traumatic paracostal hernia is classified as an abdominal hernia that protrudes from the abdomen to a non physiologic space over the ribs. Treatment requires surgical reconstruction of the disrupted musculature in the ...
    • Laparoscopic versus open splenectomy in dogs 

      Stedile, Rafael; Beck, Carlos Afonso de Castro; Schiochet, Fabiana; Ferreira, Márcio Poletto; Oliveira, Simone Tostes de; Martens, Fernando Barreto; Tessari, Jardel Pereira; Bernardes, Sheila Beatriz Laurindo; Oliveira, Carolina Schuch de; Santos, Andrea Pires dos; Mello, Fabíola Peixoto da Silva; Alievi, Marcelo Meller; Muccillo, Marcelo de S. (2009) [Journal article]
      Nos últimos anos, a utilização da laparoscopia em Medicina Veterinária vem expandindo e, conseqüentemente, a necessidade de pesquisas que determinem as vantagens, desvantagens e possíveis complicações de cada procedimento. ...
    • Larval and pupal stage of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in sweet and field corn genotypes 

      Santos, Leticia Machado dos; Redaelli, Luiza Rodrigues; Diefenbach, Lucia Maria Lopes de Almeida Guedes; Efrom, Caio Fabio Stoffel (2003) [Journal article]
      Spodoptera frugiperda, a lagarta-do-cartucho-do-milho, é uma praga polífaga de grande importância agrícola pelos danos e dificuldade de controle. A ausência de informações sobre seu impacto em milho doce motivou a comparação ...
    • Laryngotracheitis : reproducibility of the disease and comparison of diagnostic methods 

      Beltrão, Nilzane; Furian, Thales Quedi; Souza, Guilherme Fonseca de; Macagnan, Marisa; Canal, Cláudio Wageck; Fallavena, Luiz Cesar Bello (2003) [Journal article]
      O vírus da laringotraqueíte (VLT) causa de leve a severa doença respiratório em galinhas, o propósito do nosso estudo foi usar um isolado brasileiro de VLT para reproduzir a doença em frangos através da infecção experimental ...
    • Leaching of atrazine in commercial and xerogel formulations in oxisol using bioassay and chromatographic methods 

      Marchesan, Eli Danieli; Trezzi, Michelangelo Muzell; Vidal, Ribas Antonio; Dick, Deborah Pinheiro; Xavier, Elouize (2015) [Journal article]
      Mobility of atrazine in soil has contributed to the detection of levels above the legal limit in surface water and groundwater in Europe and the United States. The use of new formulations can reduce or minimize the impacts ...
    • Leaching of the S-metolachlor herbicide associated with paraquat or glyphosate in a no-tillage system 

      Nunes, Anderson Luis; Vidal, Ribas Antonio (2016) [Journal article]
      The combined use of desiccant and residual herbicides is a common management practice under no-tillage systems. However, the effect of desiccant herbicides and mulch on the leaching of residual herbicide is unknown. This ...
    • Lead poisoningin cattle in southern Brazil 

      Traverso, Sandra Davi; Loretti, Alexandre Paulino; Donini, Marco Aurélio; Driemeier, David (2004) [Journal article]
      Em setembro de 2000, três novilhas, provenientes de um pequeno rebanho de bovinos de corte, apresentaram severa depressão, tremores musculares, ato de pressionar a cabeça contra objetos e de ranger de dentes, intensa ...
    • Leaf relative chlorophyll content as an indicator parameter to predict nitrogen fertilization in maize 

      Argenta, Gilber; Silva, Paulo Regis Ferreira da; Sangoi, Luis (2004) [Journal article]
      O medidor portátil de clorofila SPAD 502, que permite leituras instantâneas da intensidade da cor verde da folha (valor correspondente ao teor de clorofila) sem destruí-la, surgiu como uma alternativa para avaliar o nível ...
    • Left external iliac artery aneurysm in horse : case report 

      Silva, Anelise da Costa; Born, Isadora; Jacobsen, Tainã Kuwer; De Bastiani, Grasiela; Santos, Angela Siviero dos; Rodrigues, Bruna Silveira (2023) [Journal article]
      An aneurysm is defined as the abnormal and localized dilation of a blood vessel, which can be congenital or acquired. The main consequence is vessel rupture, leading to hemorrhage, hypovolemic shock, and subsequent sudden ...