• Quinolines derivatives as promising new antifungal candidates for the treatment of candidiasis and dermatophytosis 

      Machado, Gabriella da Rosa Monte; Diedrich, Denise; Ruaro, Thais Carine; Zimmer, Aline Rigon; Teixeira, Mário Lettieri; Oliveira, Luis Flávio Souza de; Van de Weghe, Pierre; Jean, Michael; Andrade, Saulo Fernandes de; Gnoatto, Simone Cristina Baggio; Fuentefria, Alexandre Meneghello (2020) [Artículo de periódico]
      Fungal infections have emerged as a current serious global public health problem. Themain probleminvolving these infections is the expansion of multidrug resistance. Therefore, the prospection of new compounds with efficacy ...