Now showing items 1-1 of 1

    • Anger and substance abuse : a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Laitano, Helen Vargas; Ely, Amanda; Sordi, Anne Orgler; Schuch, Felipe Barreto; Pechansky, Flavio; Hartmann, Thiago Casarin; Hilgert, Juliana Balbinot; Wendland, Eliana Marcia da Ros; Diemen, Lisia von; Scherer, Juliana Nichterwitz; Calixto, Alessandra Mendes; Narvaez, Joana Corrêa de Magalhães; Ornell, Felipe; Kessler, Felix Henrique Paim (2022) [Journal article]
      Objective: Conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate levels of anger among substance users compared to non-user controls and to analyze the possible association between anger and psychoactive substance use ...