Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Characterization of immune and enteric systems of broilers after imunosupression with dexamethasone 

      Carvalho, Daiane; Herpich, Juliana Inês; Chitolina, Gabriela Zottis; Gava, Marta Silvia; Moraes, Lucas Brunelli de; Furian, Thales Quedi; Borges, Karen Apellanis; Fortes, Flávia Borges; Moraes, Hamilton Luiz de Souza; Salle, Carlos Tadeu Pippi (2018) [Journal article]
      Bursa of Fabricius (BF) and the thymus are primary lymphoid organs of poultry and play a major role in avian immunity. Enteric system is also involved in immunity. Several pathologic conditions directly impact BF and thymus ...
    • Evaluation of thymic lymphocyte loss of broiler using digital analysis of the Lymphoid Depletion System (ADDL) 

      Carvalho, Daiane; Moraes, Lucas Brunelli de; Chitolina, Gabriela Zottis; Herpich, Juliana Inês; Osorio, Fernando Santos; Fallavena, Luiz Cesar Bello; Moraes, Hamilton Luiz de Souza; Salle, Carlos Tadeu Pippi (2016) [Journal article]
      The thymus is a lymphoid organ and usually evaluated for the degree of lymphocyte loss with subjective histological techniques. This study aimed to adapt and to apply of the digital analysis of the lymphoid depletion system ...