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dc.contributor.authorGiulietti, Paolopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorKloeckner, Benoît R.pt_BR
dc.contributor.authorLopes, Artur Oscarpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorFarias, Diego Marconpt_BR
dc.description.abstractGiven an onto map T acting on a metric space  and an appropriate Banach space of functions X./, one classically constructs for each potential A 2 X a transfer operator LA acting on X./. Under suitable hypotheses, it is well-known that LA has a maximal eigenvalue A, has a spectral gap and defines a unique Gibbs measure A. Moreover there is a unique normalized potential of the form B D ACf 􀀀f T Cc acting as a representative of the class of all potentials defining the same Gibbs measure. The goal of the present article is to study the geometry of the set N of normalized potentials, of the normalization map A 7! B, and of the Gibbs map A 7! A. We give an easy proof of the fact that N is an analytic submanifold of X and that the normalization map is analytic; we compute the derivative of the Gibbs map; and we endow N with a natural weak Riemannian metric (derived from the asymptotic variance) with respect to which we compute the gradient flow induced by the pressure with respect to a given potential, e.g. the metric entropy functional. We also apply these ideas to recover in a wide setting existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states, possibly under constraints.en
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of the European Mathematical Society, JEMS. Zurique, Suíça, European Mathematical Society, 2018. Vol. 20, no. 10 (July 2018), p. 2357–2412pt_BR
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectTransfer operatorsen
dc.subjectEstados de equilibriopt_BR
dc.subjectEquilibrium statesen
dc.subjectRegularização entrópicapt_BR
dc.subjectWasserstein spaceen
dc.titleThe calculus of thermodynamical formalismpt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de periódicopt_BR

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