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dc.contributor.authorVlasko-Vlasov, Vitalii K.pt_BR
dc.contributor.authorColauto, Fabianopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorBuzdin, A. A.pt_BR
dc.contributor.authorCarmo, Danusa dopt_BR
dc.contributor.authorAndrade, Antonio Marcos Helgueira dept_BR
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, Ana Augusta Mendonça dept_BR
dc.contributor.authorOrtiz, Wilson Airespt_BR
dc.contributor.authorRosenmann, Danielpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorKwok, Waikwongpt_BR
dc.description.abstractWe study interactions of perpendicular and longitudinal magnetic fields in niobium films of different thickness in a wide range of temperatures below the superconducting transition temperature (TC). In 100-nm Nb film at all temperatures the longitudinal field H|| practically does not influence the dynamics of the normal flux. However, in 200-nm Nb film, a considerable anisotropy in the vortex motion is found with advanced propagation of the normal flux along H|| atT >TC /2 and the preferential jumpwise growth of the thermomagnetic flux dendrites across H|| atT <TC . Appearance of the in-plane vortices and their cutting reconnection with tilted vortices induced by the normal field H⊥ is the reason for the observed anisotropy in the thicker film. Absence of the in-plane vortices and much smaller tilt of vortices generated by H⊥ explain the isotropic normal flux dynamics in the thinner film. Our results open an alternative way of manipulating both slow vortex motion and fast thermomagnetic avalanches.en
dc.relation.ispartofPhysical review. New York. Vol. 94, no. 18 (Nov. 2016), 184502, 10 p.pt_BR
dc.rightsOpen Accessen
dc.subjectFilmes finos supercondutorespt_BR
dc.subjectFluxo magnéticopt_BR
dc.subjectEfeitos termomagneticospt_BR
dc.titleCrossing fields in thin films of isotropic superconductorspt_BR
dc.typeArtigo de periódicopt_BR

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