Aminoálcoois no tratamento de doenças negligenciadas : revisão
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Despite major advances in the pharmaceutical industry in recent years, there are many diseases that require treatment. Amino alcohols are organic compounds that have important applications in medicinal and synthetic chemistry and can be very promising as a starting point in the search for new drugs. In this review, we are interested in evaluating the use of amino alcohols in the treatment of neglected diseases published in recent literature, as well as address some factors related to their toxi ...
Despite major advances in the pharmaceutical industry in recent years, there are many diseases that require treatment. Amino alcohols are organic compounds that have important applications in medicinal and synthetic chemistry and can be very promising as a starting point in the search for new drugs. In this review, we are interested in evaluating the use of amino alcohols in the treatment of neglected diseases published in recent literature, as well as address some factors related to their toxicity. ...
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Faculdade de Farmácia. Curso de Farmácia.
Tesinas de Curso de Grado (37851)Tesinas Farmacia (706)
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