Mostrando ítems 1-11 de 11

    • Epitaxial spin-valve structures for ultra-low-field detection 

      Schuhl, A.; Durand, Olivier; Childress, J.R.; George, Jean-Marie; Pereira, Luis Gustavo (1994) [Artículo de periódico]
      A new epitaxial “spin-valve”-type system for low-field magnetoresistive detection is described. This system is based on FeiPd epitaxial multilayers grown on (100)MgO by MBE. These films show a very abrupt transition from ...
    • Ferromagnetic resonance of fe(111)/cu(111)multilayers 

      Rezende, Sergio Machado; Moura, J.A.S.; Aguiar, F.M. de; Schreiner, Wido Herwig (1994) [Artículo de periódico]
      Ferromagnetic resonance at 9.4 GHz has been used to characterize several samples of Fe sing1e-crystal films and Fe/Cu multilayers prepared by electron-beam deposition on HF-etched, hydrogen-terminated Si(111). Resonance ...
    • Formação de precipitados de FeSi2 epitaxiais com uma matriz de Si(001) 

      Azevedo, Marcia Helena; Maltez, Rogério Luis; Behar, Moni; Amaral, Livio (1995) [Resumen publicado en evento]
    • Patternig method for silicides based on local oxidation 

      Mantl, S.; Dolle, M.; Mesters, St.; Fichtner, Paulo Fernando Papaleo; Bay, H.L. (1995) [Artículo de periódico]
      Oxidation of CoSi2 layers on Si~100! using oxidation masks has been investigated. It is shown that local oxidation can be used to pattern the silicide layer. This method allows the formation of buried interconnects and ...
    • Propriedades magnéticas de filmes finos e multicamadas à base de cobalto 

      Borges, João Alfredo (1995) [Resumen publicado en evento]
    • Sequential phase formation by ion-induced epitaxy in fe-implanted si(001) 

      Behar, Moni; Bernas, H.; Desimoni, Judith; Lin, X.W.; Maltez, Rogério Luis (1996) [Artículo de periódico]
      Ion-beam-induced epitaxial crystallization (IBIEC) of Fe-implanted Si(OO1) was studied by transmission electron microscopy and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. For sufficiently high Fe doses, it was found that IBIEC ...
    • Sequential phase formation by ion-induced epitaxy in fe-implanted si(001) 

      Lin, X.W.; Maltez, Rogério Luis; Behar, Moni; Liliental-Weber, Zuzanna; Washburn, J. (1995) [Artículo de periódico]
      Ion-beam-induced epitaxial crystallization (IBIEC) of Fe-implanted Si(OO1) was studied by transmission electron microscopy and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. For sufficiently high Fe doses, it was found that IBIEC ...
    • Structural change and heteroepitaxy induced by rapid thermal annealing of CaF/sub 2/ films on Si(111) 

      Mattoso Filho, Ney Pereira; Mosca Junior, Dante Homero; Schreiner, Wido Herwig; Mazzaro, Irineu; Teixeira, Sergio Ribeiro; Macedo, Waldemar A.A.; Martins, M.D. (1998) [Artículo de periódico]
      In this article we show that heteroepitaxial CaF2 films can be induced on Si~111! with a rapid thermal anneal. The change from preferentially oriented polycrystals to a single crystal with type- B epitaxy is visible by ...
    • Synthesis of GaN by N ion implantation in GaAs (001) 

      Lin, X.W.; Behar, Moni; Maltez, Rogério Luis; Swider, W.; Liliental-Weber, Zuzanna; Washburn, J. (1995) [Artículo de periódico]
      Both the hexagonal and cubic GaN phases were synthesized in GaAs ~001! by 50 keV N ion implantation at 380 °C and subsequent furnace annealing at 850–950 °C for 10 min–2 h. For a fluence of 1.531017 cm22, transmission ...
    • The epitaxial growth of evaporated cu/caf2 bilayers on si(111) 

      Mattoso Filho, Ney Pereira; Mosca Junior, Dante Homero; Mazzaro, Irineu; Teixeira, Sergio Ribeiro; Schreiner, Wido Herwig (1995) [Artículo de periódico]
      Successful and unexpected epitaxial growth of Cu/CaF2, bilayers on hydrogen terminated Si(111) wafers by thermal evaporation is reported. The bilayers were characterized with conventional x-ray diffraction experiments, ...
    • Transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence studies of Er implated low-temperature grown GaAs:Be 

      Maltez, Rogério Luis; Liliental-Weber, Zuzanna; Washburn, J.; Behar, Moni; Klein, P.B.; Specht, P.; Weber, E.R. (1998) [Artículo de periódico]
      Characteristic 1.54 mm 4f-4 f emission has been observed from Er31 centers in Er-implanted and annealed, low-temperature grown GaAs:Be samples, while cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy ~TEM! studies reveal ...