Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Pre-treatments, stratification, and emergence of seeds of Ilex Paraguariensis A.St.-HIL. 

      Winhelmann, Mara Cíntia; Vargas, Leo Jaime de; Gastmann, Júlia; Oliveira, Lucas Massena de; Freitas, Elisete Maria de; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2022) [Journal article]
      The propagation of yerba mate is carried out by seeds. In nature, birds are the main dispersers and the passage of seeds through the digestive system helps in germination. The laboratory simulation of the conditions provided ...
    • Stratification of yerba mate seeds in a commercial nursery and the emergence monitoring 

      Winhelmann, Mara Cíntia; Gastmann, Júlia; Vargas, Leo Jaime de; Zeni, Jader Vivian; Freitas, Elisete Maria de; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2021) [Journal article]
      The propagation of Ilex paraguariensis A.St.-Hil. is carried out by seeds that have a low germination rate and morphophysiological dormancy. In order to increase the germination percentage, stratification treatments and ...
    • Uso de soprador contínuo com fluxo vertical de ar no beneficiamento de sementes de erva-mate 

      Winhelmann, Mara Cíntia; Vargas, Leo Jaime de; Antoniolli, Júlio; Sampaio, Rodrigo; Brunes, André Pich; Freitas, Elisete Maria de; Fior, Claudimar Sidnei (2023) [Journal article]
      Ilex paraguariensis é propagada principalmente por sementes, porém os lotes apresentam alta porcentagem de sementes vazias e deterioradas, tornando-se importante investigar práticas de beneficiamento para aumentar a pureza ...