Now showing items 1-20 of 46

    • Alternative treatment for the energy-transfer and transport cross section in dressed electron-ion binary collisions 

      Grande, Pedro Luis (2016) [Journal article]
      A formula for determining the electronic stopping power and the transport cross section in electron-ion binary collisions is derived from the induced density for spherically symmetric potentials using the partial-wave ...
    • Análise de materiais nanoestruturados utilizando feixes de íons 

      Pezzi, Rafael Peretti (2009) [Thesis]
      A miniaturização de dispositivos tecnológicos levou à percepção de novas classes de efeitos devidos ao con namento quântico e à mudança na proporção entre número de átomos presentes na superfície e no volume de estruturas ...
    • Análise do efeito de proximidade e explosão coulombiana de íons moleculares em filmes ultrafinos 

      Shubeita, Samir de Morais (2010) [Thesis]
      Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral explorar os fenômenos decorrentes da interação de íons moleculares com a matéria, dando ênfase ao estudo dos efeitos de proximidade/ vizinhança e explosão colombiana para investigar ...
    • Analytical energy loss distribution for accurate high resolution depth profiling using medium energy ion scattering 

      Pezzi, Rafael Peretti; Krug, Cristiano; Grande, Pedro Luis; Rosa, Elisa Brod Oliveira da; Schiwietz, Gregor; Baumvol, Israel Jacob Rabin (2008) [Journal article]
      An analytical approach to ion energy loss distributions capable of simplifying medium energy ion scattering MEIS spectral analysis is presented. This analytical approach preserves the accuracy of recent numerical models ...
    • Angle-dependent charge exchange and energy loss of slow highly charged ions in freestanding graphene 

      Creutzburg, Sascha; Niggas, Anna; Weichselbaum, David; Grande, Pedro Luis; Aumayr, Friedrich; Wilhelm, Richard Arthur (2021) [Journal article]
      The scattering of ions in solids is accompanied with momentum transfer and electronic excitations resulting in the slowing down of the ion. The amount of energy transferred in a single scattering event depends on the ...
    • Bohr's stopping-power formula derived for a classical free-electron gas 

      Grande, Pedro Luis (2021) [Journal article]
      Bohr's centenary stopping-power formula is rederived for a free electron gas (FEG) system within the framework of nonrelativistic classical mechanics. A simple and more concise expression for the stopping power of charged ...
    • Caracterização de nanoestruturas através da técnica MEIS 

      Sortica, Maurício de Albuquerque (2009) [Dissertation]
      Espalhamento de íons de energia intermediária (MEIS) é uma técnica analítica de feixe de íons que pode determinar quantitativamente composições elbmentares e perfis I de profundidade com resolução subnanométrica. Dessa ...
    • Carbon deposition in Si as a consequence of H and He irradiations : a systematic study 

      Mörschbächer, Marcio José; Behar, Moni (2002) [Journal article]
      In the present work we have investigated the influence of different parameters that determine the C deposition on a Si target. Among them we have studied the pressure of the irradiation chamber, the implantation fluence, ...
    • Characterization of nanoparticles through medium-energy ion scattering 

      Sortica, Maurício de Albuquerque; Grande, Pedro Luis; Machado, Giovanna; Miotti, Leonardo (2009) [Journal article]
      In this work we review the use of the medium-energy ion scattering (MEIS) technique to characterize nanostructures at the surface of a substrate. We discuss here how the determination of shape and size distribution of the ...
    • Competing influence of damage buildup and lattice vibrations on ion range profiles in Si 

      Posselt, Matthias; Mäder, M.; Grötzschel, Rainer; Behar, Moni (2003) [Journal article]
      Phosphorus depth profiles in Si obtained by 140 keV implantation in the [001] axial channel direction and in a direction 7° off axis are investigated at two different doses (531013 and 5 31015 cm22) for implantation ...
    • Contribution of close collisions to the Barkas effect : the classical picture 

      Arista, Nestor; Grande, Pedro Luis; Lifschitz, A.F. (2004) [Journal article]
      According to a previous estimation made by Lindhard [Nucl. Instrum. Method Phys. Res. 132, 1 (1976)] on the basis of qualitative arguments and dimensional analysis, the contribution of close collisions to the Barkas effect ...
    • Copper gettering at half the projected ion range induced by low-energy channeling He implantation into silicon 

      Fichtner, Paulo Fernando Papaleo; Behar, Moni; Kaschny, Jorge Ricardo de Araujo; Peeva, Anita; Koegler, Reinhard; Skorupa, Wolfgang (2000) [Journal article]
      He1 ions were implanted at 40 keV into Si <100> channel direction at room temperature (RT) and at 350 °C. The Si samples were subsequently doped with Cu in order to study the gettering of Cu atoms at the defective layer. ...
    • Coulomb heating of channeled C+ and C2+ molecules in Si 

      Fadanelli Filho, Raul Carlos; Dias, Johnny Ferraz; Behar, Moni (2008) [Journal article]
      Si x-ray and backscattering yields have been measured as a function of the C⁺ and C₂⁺ entrance angle along the Si ‹100› channel in an energy interval between 900 and 2200 keV/atom. A significant enhancement of the x-ray ...
    • Direct observation and theory of trajectory-dependent electronic energy losses in medium-energy ion scattering 

      Silva Junior, Agenor Hentz da; Parkinson, Gareth; Quinn, Paul P.; Muñoz-Marques, M. A.; Woodruff, D. P.; Grande, Pedro Luis; Schiwietz, Gregor; Bailey, Paul; Noakes, Tim C. Q. (2009) [Journal article]
      The energy spectrum associated with scattering of 100 keV H⁺ ions from the outermost few atomic layers of Cu(111) in different scattering geometries provides direct evidence of trajectory-dependent electronic energy loss. ...
    • Efeitos de espalhamentos múltiplos na análise de materiais nanoestruturados via MEIS 

      Marmitt, Gabriel Guterres (2013) [Dissertation]
      A síntese de sistemas nanoestruturados bidimensionais enterrados em matrizes sólidas têm atraído interesse em associação, por exemplo, com aplicações plasmônicas e magnéticas. Para ambas, as propriedades dos sistemas de ...
    • Electronic energy loss of channeled ions : the giant Barkas effect 

      Araújo, Leandro Langie; Grande, Pedro Luis; Behar, Moni; Dias, Johnny Ferraz; Lifschitz, A.F.; Arista, Nestor; Schiwietz, Gregor (2004) [Journal article]
      In this work we have measured the electronic energy loss of ⁹Be and ¹¹B ions for the ‹100› and ‹110› directions in Si as a function of the incident ion energy. The channeling measurements cover a wide energy range between ...
    • Energy deposition of H and He ion beams in hydroxyapatite films : a study with implications for ion-beam cancer therapy 

      Limandri, Silvina P.; de Vera Gomis, Pablo; Fadanelli Filho, Raul Carlos; Nagamine, Luiz Carlos Camargo Miranda; Silva, Alexandre Mello de Paula; García-Molina, Rafael; Behar, Moni; Abril Sanches, Isabel (2014) [Journal article]
      Ion-beam cancer therapy is a promising technique to treat deep-seated tumors; however, for an accurate treatment planning, the energy deposition by the ions must be well known both in soft and hard human tissues. Although ...
    • Energy loss in medium-energy ion scattering : a combined theoretical and experimental study of the model system Y on Si(111) 

      Muñoz-Marques, M. A.; Parkinson, Gareth; Woodruff, D. P.; Silva Junior, Agenor Hentz da; Grande, Pedro Luis; Schwietz, Gregor; Wood, Tim J.; Bonet, Chris; Tear, Steve P.; Bailey, Paul; Noakes, Tim C. Q. (2005) [Journal article]
      The energy-loss spectrum associated with scattering of 100 keV H+ ions from Y atoms on Si (111) has been investigated both experimentally and theoretically. Measurements were made from Y overlayers, and from the Si (111) ...
    • Energy loss of helium ions in zinc 

      Lantschner, G.H.; Eckardt, J. C.; Lifschitz, A.F.; Arista, Nestor; Araújo, Leandro Langie; Duarte, Patricia Fernanda; Santos, Jose Henrique Rodrigues dos; Behar, Moni; Dias, Johnny Ferraz; Grande, Pedro Luis; Montanari, Claudia C.; Miraglia, Jorge E. (2004) [Journal article]
      The energy loss of helium ions in zinc has been measured in the energy range from 37.5 to 1750 keV/amu using the transmission technique and the Rutherford backscattering method. In addition, calculations using the extended ...
    • Energy loss of proton, [alpha] particle, and electron beams in hafnium dioxide films 

      Behar, Moni; Fadanelli Filho, Raul Carlos; Abril Sanches, Isabel; García-Molina, Rafael; Denton, Cristian D.; Nagamine, Luiz Carlos Camargo Miranda; Arista, Nestor (2009) [Journal article]
      The electronic stopping power, S, of HfO₂ films for proton and alpha particle beams has been measured and calculated. The experimental data have been obtained by the Rutherford backscattering technique and cover the range ...