LUME - the name given to the Digital Repository of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - manifests the meanings of knowledge, light, and brilliance. It was established to provide online access to the digital collections of the University and to other documents which, due to their relevance or historical importance, the University has decided to offer.

LUME aims at collecting, preserving, disseminating and making available the access to academic, scientific, artistic and administrative documents, valuable research outputs and texts written in the University, as well as to historical collections and other relevant documents, even those not produced at UFRGS, to provide a variety of valuable resources.

LUME's digital collection is composed of texts, images, videos, moving images, and audio recordings, which are mostly open-source. The access to some information is restricted to UFRGS' registered users.

Technical features

The digital repository LUME is based on DSpace , a free and open source software developed by MIT and HP, which is compatible with the OAI-PMH protocol that allows automated harvesting of documents. The metadata used to describe the documents follows the Dublin Core standard, and all documents stored in LUME have a permanent and universal identification URL which is based on the CNRI Handle system.


The documents available on Lume are trusted and owned by their respective authors, according to the law governing the copyright issues in the country ( Law No. 9.610 from February 2nd, 1998).

Every caution has been taken in order to respect copyright laws. However, if any document violating the current legislation is identified, please inform here Lume's administration, so that the issue can be immediately resolved.